Latin Mass Society

Chairman's Blog

17/04/2024 - 13:49

New edition of Gregorius Magnus published

Gregorius Magnus is the twice-yearly magazine of Una Voce International (FIUV), which groups together 41 lay-led Una Voce and Latin Mass Society groups from every part of the world.

This edition has a photographic report on the Summorum Pontificum Ad Petri Sedem pilgrimage, articles from new contributors, and contributions from the the magazines of the FIUV's member associations.

  • Pope Benedict, one year on: Caroline Farey on 'The Way of Beauty'; Andrew Cusack on the liberation of the Old Mass.
  • 120 year anniversary of Evelyn Waugh
  • St Thomas Becket, by Thomas Colsey
  • T.S. Eliot, by Robert Lazu Kmita
  • Cardinal Ambongo on Fiducia supplicans, by Michael Haynes
  • A Traditional Catholic school in Nigeria
and much else

See it on ISSUU, optimised for mobile devices.

Download the pdf for viewing on a screen.

Download the high-res pdf for printing.

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15/04/2024 - 14:23

Why do bishops cover up sexual abuse? In the European Conservative

I have an article in the European Conservative about clerical abuse, though my analysis applies equally to abuse in secular institutions. We have moved on sufficiently in this debate that the focus is now often more on the covering up of this abuse, than on the abuse itself. Whatever form the abuse took, the motivation of the abusers is not difficult to discern: they get a kick out of it. More in need of explanation is the protection of the abusers by those in positions of authority.
I argue in this article against the now-standard explanation, that religious superiors, managers etc. are motivated by a desire to protect the reputation of the institution. But people who want to protect reputations get abusers to go away, by threatening exposure or investigation. The cover-up bishops I have in mind typically moved them to new parishes, enabling them to abuse a fresh set of victims.
My explanation is that these bishops accepted the heightened risk of scandal because they liked having the abusers inside the organisation, because they were reliable in other ways: they supported the bishop's power.

I make this argument in the article, and at greater length in a podcast, and in one of my books.
I hope it is sufficiently obvious that the standard explanation is wrong, even if the alternative needs making out more. This raises the question of why it is so popular. 
Saying that bishops moved priests around to protect the institution, desperately hoping they would not re-offend, is a stronger variant on the old idea of a 'few bad apples'. The 'few bad apples' theory is that any organisation is going to have some bad people in it. It is inadequate because, when the abusers are identified as such, superiors too often protected them instead of ejecting them. The most charitable explanation of this is that the superiors hoped a slap on the wrist would straighten them out and that in a new context, surrounded by a new set of potential victims with no reason to be on their guard, everything would be fine. But then you notice that superiors do this over and over again, with multiple abusers, and they still didn't want to eject the abusers. No-one could be that stupid.
The 'few bad apples' explanation tells us that abuse is not systemic. Though standards of admission and surveillance could be tightened up, the institution as a whole is not directly to blame. The 'protection of the institution' explanation says that abuse is systemic, but accidentally so: it is not that the institution derives any benefit from the abuse; the abuse just happens, and when it does the institution has a policy that covers it up, out of naivety and panic. My explanation is more frightening: I am saying that, as a human institution, abuse has become embedded as the key to the loyalty of a large number of its clerical members and volunteers. Abuse and its protection plays the role of salaries and promotion in commercial organisations. Abuse is systemic, in the sense that it is what the institution is being used for.
You might say that an organisation that manufactures soup is geared towards making soup, but however passionate its staff may be about soup, it is really an organisation that uses the manufacture and sale of soup to make money. We could say, in parallel, that the Church has become, in part, an organisation that uses the Faith to seek out and exploit opportunities for abuse.
This not the whole of the Church, but it should horrify us that it is any part of it.

My article begins:

The Catholic Church’s clerical sex abuse crisis may be said to have entered public consciousness with the Boston Globe’s revelations, which began in January 2002, and it has yet to go away. The standard explanation of it is that bishops and other superiors covered up abuse in order to protect the reputation of the Church, but this is almost the opposite of the truth. The reality is that sexual abuse was covered up as part of a strategy of calculated risk-taking, not for the benefit of the institution, but for the benefit of the superior.

I spent many years in Roman Catholic institutions populated by abusers and, while never a victim myself, I got to know some of the perpetrators and some of those who protected them. My argument, however, is based on well-established patterns of behaviour which can be found beyond the confines of the Roman Church. These patterns extend back in time at least as far as the 1960s, and they continue to persist.

Read it all there.
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05/04/2024 - 10:00

Catholic Monarchs and bad laws

Requiem Mass for the late Queen Elizabeth II at St Mary Moorfields, London,
8th October 2022, organised by the Latin Mass Society
Conservatives criticising Queen Elizabeth II for failing to veto the UK's Abortion Act in 1967 has become a depressingly familiar spectacle. I just wish they would do some minimal research on the subject, and at least start their argument with the acknowledgment that British monarchs do not have any such veto. This would save me the trouble of having to point out what is obvious to anyone minimally familiar with British history and politics, and then imagine what a critic would say if he actually knew this.
Today I respond to the pro-life activist Jonathan van Maren. He was writing the European Conservative; my reply has appeared in Crisis.

It begins:

Jonathan Van Maren’s European Conservative article, “Europe’s Pro-life Royals,” raises once again the question of Catholic monarchs and the legalization of abortion.

Van Maren helpfully provides some detail on how King Baudouin of Belgium avoided signing Belgium’s 1990 abortion law, and how Prince Alois of Liechtenstein defeated abortion in Liechtenstein. The courage and determination of these monarchs are an example to us all, and particularly to Catholic statesmen tempted to compromise in their defense of the most vulnerable in society.

They followed quite different strategies, because of the quite different political and constitutional circumstances in which they found themselves. Before we criticize any heads of state for acting as they did, we need to be clear what strategies we think were available in their cases.

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03/04/2024 - 14:54

Traditional Triduum Services restricted: in the Catholic Herald

Easter Vigil at St Mary Moorfields in 2023
On Maundy Thursday the Catholic Herald published an article by me about the disappearance of the long-standing Traditioinal Easter Triduum in the Archdiocese of Westminster.
It begins:

The liturgical celebrations of the Easter Triduum – spanning Maundy Thursday to Easter Sunday – according to the ancient (Traditional Latin) rite will not take place in the Diocese of Westminster this year.

The changes follows the decision of Cardinal Vincent Nichols, archbishop of the diocese, and the head of Catholics in England and Wales, to discontinue the custom of featuring liturgy over the Easter weekend in the traditional form – ­something which had taken place annually since the 1990s.

Cardinal Nichols acknowledged in correspondence to Fr Michael Cullinan denying the latter’s request to host this year’s triduum at St Mary Moorfields – the only Catholic church in The Square Mile of the City of London – that he was aware the decision would cause disappointment.

“I realise that this will disappoint some people,” he revealed, “but I have to keep the wider picture in view”, in an email which has been shown to the Herald.

Read the whole thing there.

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01/04/2024 - 12:15

Easter Vigil in Bedford: photos


I attended the Easter Vigil in Bedford, which was well attended in the church of SS Philip & James in the north of the city. The celebrant was Fr Miguel Coelho, who is assisting the Fraternity of St Peter apostolate. Fr Armand de Malleray FSSP was deacon at the Missa Cantata (that is, he sang the Exultet, the Epistle and so on).










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25/03/2024 - 20:07

Mass of the Ages film, Part 3: Guardians of Tradition

In which I appear, among other people. They've put together a very interesting film, combining history, commentary, and personal stories. I hope it is watched by many people: please spread the word.


Parts 1 and 2, and other things, can be seen on their YouTube channel, here.
Support the Latin Mass Society
09/03/2024 - 09:30

Walsingham Pilgrimage Volunteers needed, 5: First Aiders and photographers

A photo by a professional photographer, John Aron.
See what he's done with the depth of field?

Booking is now open for the LMS Walking Pilgrimage to Walsingham, which takes place from Thursday 22nd August to Sunday 25th August. But before we can welcome 200+ pilgrims, we need to be able to look after them. This is the last of these appeals, for two more categories of volunteers: First Aiders and photographers.

First Aiders need (at least) a certificate showing they have done a short course about it. These courses can be done in a single day and if you do one specially then the LMS will repay you the cost of the fee. (We'll pay for a First Aid bag for you as well of course.) Courses are done by St John's Ambulance and others and certificates last for three years. This is an opportunity to learn something useful and make yourself useful on the pilgrimage, and we'll even waive the pilgrimage fee.
We waive the fee because being a First Aider will change your pilgrimage experience. In breaks and at the end, your time is not your own: you'll have to make yourself available to the needs of others. On the road you may need to drop out to minister to a twisted ankle or a pilgrim with sun stroke. We'll get you a lift back to the column of course, but you will have a duty to your fellow-pilgrims first and foremost. It is a burden, and also a privilege.
Very few First Aid needs on the pilgrimage go beyond the very basic -- stinging nettles, blisters and (when it is hot) sun stroke cover about 90% of them -- but we absolutely need to have people to help with these, and less experienced First Aiders will be backed up by more experienced as required, with the support drivers available to get injured pilgrims to where they need to be.
Taken by me.
On photography, if we are to promote the pilgrimage from year to year we need photographs of it. We have a system of pilgrims' snaps being gathered up for social media but we do also need someone with a proper camera willing to take time out at regular intervals to take high-quality photos. This makes a huge difference to public perceptions of the event.
You might think: who cares what people can or can't see online? Actually, it is important. We walk down lanes and through villages, and passers' by see us, bearing witness to the Faith and to the significance of Walsingham as a sacred place. Photography magnifies this witness and extends it to people who are not physically there at 9am or whatever in some tiny Norfolk village. Photography is part of the apostolate.
So if you have a decent digital camera and know how to use it; if you are fit enough to get ahead of the column from time to time; if you understand the liturgy enough to get decent photographs of that: then let us know and we'll give you a big discount on your booking fee. And you can make some beautiful images of a truly remarkable event.
If you wish to be considered for these roles, please email
Another by John Aron.
Support the Latin Mass Society
08/03/2024 - 10:00

Walsingham Pilgrimage volunteers needed, 4: marshals and campsite volunteers


Booking is now open for the LMS Walking Pilgrimage to Walsingham, which takes place from Thursday 22nd August to Sunday 25th August. But before we can welcome 200+ pilgrims, we need to be able to look after them. Today I appeasing for two more categories of volunteers: marshals for the walking part of the pilgrimage, and volunteers to assemble and dismantle things like gazebos at the campsites.

Being a marshal is an unglamorous role, and it can also be quite solitary, since you walk between, behind, or ahead of the chapters. It is nevertheless essential. First, for road safety, managing cars passing sometimes on quite narrow roads. Secondly, to assist pilgrims who need to drop out.
We prefer to have as marshals people who have walked the pilgrimage at least once before. An obvious qualification is being sufficiently fit to do the walk!
Another of taking part in the pilgrimage, that does not involve the walking, but still requires physically active people, is the role of campsite volunteer. As the pilgrimage has grown, the cooking team has outgrown the often tiny kitchens in some of the venues we use, and have to cook outside, under cover. By the same token, it is harder to fit everyone into the halls at these places to eat. 
Similarly, we are bursting out of the churches we use along the route, and have to consider the celebration of the liturgy outside.
So we are increasingly using gazebos and the like to keep the rain (or sun) off. This is a new aspect of the pilgrimage, and we need to establish a group of people able to spend time in the afternoon assembling these things, and in the morning taking them down again, while the walking is going on.
Again, unglamorous, and largely hidden from view, but absolutely necessary for the good of the whole pilgrimage, and the glory of God.
If you would like to volunteer for these roles, please email
Support the Latin Mass Society
07/03/2024 - 10:00

Walsingham Pilgrimage volunteers wanted, 3: singers


Booking is now open for the LMS Walking Pilgrimage to Walsingham, which takes place from Thursday 22nd August to Sunday 25th August. But before we can welcome 200+ pilgrims, we need to be able to look after them. We need volunteers! Today I am going to talk about singers.


Good Music, along with good food, may be said to power the pilgrimage in its natural aspect. But unlike the food, however good, the music has a significance at the supernatural level as well, because it can also be prayer.
It will be no surprise for readers to hear that a lot of prayers are said on the pilgrimage. Pilgrims are divided into 'chapters' which are small enough for people to hear instructions from the front to the back, with the help of megaphones, and also for collective prayer. When we say the Rosary, we sing it: we have settings of the Hail Mary in English, Latin, and French. We also sing the Litanies of Our Lady, of the Saints, of St Joseph, and of the Sacred Heart. In addition, we sing many popular chants, such as the O filii et filiae (though we sing it better than the guys in the link), vernacular hymns, and when the going gets tough, even some patriotic songs.
We believe the singing is very important and go to a lot of trouble over it. We have a book of all the chants and hymns, often with the music (and other useful prayers and information), the Vademecum Peregrini, which everyone has, and every chapter has a cantor.

That's right: every chapter of 20-30 pilgrims has an experienced singer with a megaphone to lead the singing. Someone who can set the pitch, sustain the tune, can sing the litanies while the other pilgrims make the responses, and so on. Otherwise this task falls on the chapter leader, who has a lot of other things to think about.


This has been the practice of the LMS Walking Pilgrimage since the very early years, and it is a huge boon for the pilgrims. It means the singing consistently happens, and is not interrupted every time the chapter leader has to do something or talk to someone. Singing on the road has many challenges, but in the Walsingham Pilgrimage it works very well, is audible, and includes everyone.
Naturally, these cantors also accompany the sung Masses. For these we have an all-male chant schola, supplemented by ladies for the final Mass in the Catholic Shrine to sing polyphony.
What this requires, of course, is a set of 'chapter cantors' who are experienced chant singers, know the repertoire (or can quickly learn it), and have, yes, stamina.

We don't sing all the time. There's no point singing against loud traffic or when the chapter is strung out on a narrow path, and it is in any case good to have breaks for private prayer and, indeed, conversation. Nevertheless, we do a lot of singing, and these cantors have to walk the whole distance with the pilgrims, so this, like other volunteering roles, is pretty demanding. It is also, of course, extremely rewarding.
Cantors able to do this exist, and we have been using them for years. Now, however, we are getting more chapters, and we need more cantors. I am planning to get together with the cantors once or twice before the pilgrimage to cover any gaps in knowledge of the music, but experience of singing chant is necessary in order to grasp the way that chant is sung, its ethos as sacred music.
If you are reasonably fit, and have experience singing chant, you can do it. You'll get a free place on the pilgrimage, and a reward in heaven. So who's up for it? Please email


Support the Latin Mass Society
06/03/2024 - 10:00

Walsingham Pilgrimage Volunteers wanted 2: drivers

Booking is now open for the LMS Walking Pilgrimage to Walsingham, which takes place from Thursday 22nd August to Sunday 25th August. But before we can welcome 200+ pilgrims, we need to be able to look after them. We need volunteers! Today I am going to talk about drivers.
The Pilgrimage has always had 'support drivers', and these have been becoming more and more numerous in recent years. For this year, we are in particular need of a van driver, as we need to have two luggage vans, and not just one. We can't get a lorry down the country lanes, so we hire an 'extra long' Mercedes Sprinter, or the the equivalent.
The luggage van is just one part of the support driver team. We also have a mobile sacristy, dedicated transport for the equipment used by the cooking team, and a special vehicle for portable loos. 
We also need cars to ferry volunteers from one place to another, to allow priests who have to say a private Mass to rejoin the walkers, and to pick up pilgrims who are injured or exhausted. 
We are particularly keen to hear from drivers with experience driving vans, for the luggage vans, who have the necessary category on their driving license.
Most of our larger vehicles are hired for the occasion; other drivers bring their own, especially if they have people-carriers. Naturally, all expenses can be claimed back from the LMS.
If you would like to take part in the pilgrimage without walking, but in a way crucial to operation of the pilgrimage and indeed to the comfort and safety of walking pilgrims, please consider volunteering as a driver. Please email


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