Iota Unum returns - a new series of talks in London for Traditional Catholics
quippe dico vobis: donec transeat caelum et terra, iota unum aut unus apex non praeteribit a lege donec omnia fiant.
For amen I say unto you, till heaven and earth pass, one jot, or one tittle shall not pass of the law, till all be fulfilled.
(Mat 5:18)
Organiser: Joseph Shaw (contact via the LMS Office:
Friday 27th September, Callum Miller, 'Should pro-life Americans vote for Trump?'
Friday 25th October, Joseph Shaw, 'Culture and the Family'
Friday 29th November: Prof Thomas Pink, 'Conscience and the Law'
What’s it about?
The series will focus on topics which are connected with the everyday life of traditionally-minded Catholics: the domestic church, homeschooling, traditional catechesis, moral instruction, culture (high, common, and religious), religious history etc..
The purpose of the talks is not only to inform but to help traditionally-minded Catholics from across London and beyond to meet, discuss matters of mutual concern, and form a greater sense of community.
The basement of Our Lady of the Assumption; please enter by the back entrance into the basement: 24 Golden Square, W1F 9JR near Piccadilly Tube Station (click for a map)
Doors open at 6:30pm; the talk will start at 7pm.
There will be a charge of £5 on the door to cover refreshments and other expenses.
During the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, in lieu of meeting in person - we recorded a number of talks (podcasts) which are available here