Latin Mass Society

Chairman's Blog

30/01/2021 - 13:21

Younger, conservative priests attacked again: by Fr James Martin

Me on LifeSite. Fr James Martin, who retweeted the article I discuss, is even more annoyed now than he was before. However, since I quoted his tweet in full I can hardly be accused of misquoting him.


Fr. James Martin, SJ, has condemned younger, more conservative priests, linking to a National Catholic Reporter article that uses a parish’s experience as a jumping-off point to criticize a whole generation who are strongly motivated to oppose abortion, who are “active” and want to “evangelize,” who like Latin and incense, and — horror! — who read LifeSiteNews. 

Fr. Martin commented as he re-tweets the article: “Essential reading: These are not isolated incidents and part of a growing trend in the church, leaving parishioners feeling angry and isolated. Essentially the rejection of much of Vatican II by younger priests, this phenomenon has flown under the radar.”

"I cannot tell you how many people have told me of experiences like this: parish councils disbanded, women removed from positions of leadership, parishioners being told they're "bad Catholics," after recently ordained priests decided to remake the parish in their image."

Read the whole thing there.
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28/01/2021 - 17:37

The trade in babies must stop

My latest on LifeSite

The public were recently treated to a recordingof a discussion by the family of Chinese actress, Zheng Shuang, about what to do about two babies which she had arranged to be born by American surrogate mothers. The babies arrived, awkwardly, after she had split up from her boyfriend, the babies’ biological father. The recording was released in the context of a bitter dispute between them and the father.

It’s not clear why Zheng, who is 29 and donated the eggs, wanted to employ other women’s wombs for these pregnancies. Perhaps she has some health reason, or perhaps it was to avoid disrupting her career. After the couple’s split, Zheng and her family have appeared to regard the infants as nothing but an embarrassing inconvenience. Interestingly, surrogacy is illegal in China, and the affair has not gone down well in the Chinese press. Zheng has also been dropped as the Chinese advertising face of the luxury clothing brand, Prada. 

There are of course plenty of minor celebrities, and ordinary people too, whose romantic failures have left small children high and dry. Still, however foolish the earlier behaviour may have been, the maternal bond is generally still strong, and grandparents too tend to feel they have something at stake and frequently step in to help pick up the pieces. Those who pay for surrogates to bear children for them, like the Zheng family, by contrast often seem to feel no connection with the children when things go wrong.

Read the whole thing there.
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27/01/2021 - 15:21

Find me on Gab: @LMSChairman

Following the suppression of huge numbers of pro-life and Catholic accounts by Twitter, I have created a Gab account. Right now that seems the only alternative - if that makes me an evil person that's too bad.

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27/01/2021 - 15:18

'Transjacking' women's sports

My latest on LifeSite

I thought I spotted some signs of common-sense returning to the world of sport a few weeks ago, but the President of the United States can, up to a point, create the political weather, and Joe Biden’s lead on allowing transexuals to compete as whatever sex they choose now makes my optimism seem premature. On the plus side, I have now learned a new word to describe this phenomenon: “transjacking.”

I found it this in this article on the subject which helpfully gives a long list of American sports events where athletes who had the good fortune to be born with male bodies outcompeted athletes who did not. The advantages that men have over women in almost every sporting endeavour are very significant, and enduring. They include, notably, longer limbs and larger lung capacity. The response of many sporting bodies, to insist that male-born athletes who wish to compete in women’s events lower their testosterone levels for a certain number of months, is wholly inadequate. To have the necessary effect, the hormones would have had to have been different over the course of several years, from about the age of 12. Low levels of testosterone isn’t going to shorten runners’ legs at the age of 20. 
Read the whole thing there.
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26/01/2021 - 18:09

The mother-and-baby homes: fact and fiction

My latest on LifeSite.

On October 30th the Irish government released a major report into the much-criticized ‘Mother and Baby Homes’ run by Catholic religious sisters. These looked after women who had children out of wedlock who, in the first half of the 20thcentury, faced severe social sanctions in Irish society. When their families did not want to support them, these religious sisters did: and worked to find homes for the children, if the mothers wished to have them adopted, and set the women back on their feet in terms of employment.

Except that isn’t the narrative the mainstream media, including in Ireland itself, have been setting out. According to them, these institutions were little short of torture chambers for abuse and oppression. The Irish Government and the Archbishop of Dublin have offered public apologies. So, what is the truth?

Read the whole thing there.

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25/01/2021 - 17:53

More online Latin: and New Testament Greek

Don't miss out on the chance to start or improve your Latin and Patristic/ New Testament Greek with unthreatening online classes.


  • New Testament Greek for beginners and intermediates
  • Post‑beginners Latin
  • The Language of the Latin Mass :
  • Roman Canon (Eucharistic Prayer I) and the commentarial tradition from Ambrose to Almar — 50% subsidies for Priests, seminarians and religious




“Ardor mihi inerat ut scirem quid priores auctores haberent in corde, qui nostra officia statuerunt”


Living Greek & Latin for the World Today January 19, 2021



GREEK COURSE 1 (22 Feb ‑ 19 March 2021)

Greek Alphabet and very basic grammar for beginners

Plus Greek Course2 (19th April to 14th May 2021): Intermediate Patristics and New Testament Greek Grammar:

8 weeks total : 2 hours weekly, consisting of two one-hour sessions, with a half-hour break in between, leading to possible participation in a six‑day residential Latin Mass Society Course (in August) £400 for 8 weeks of instruction and small-group work (reduced to £300 if only one course is taken) . No previous Ancient Greek is required

NEW: Post-Beginners Latin Course (19 April - 14 May 2021).

4 weeks. £240 per person for 2 hours per week. If you have taken already Beginners’ Latin, then come along for four weeks of Psalms reading and selections from the saints in order to begin consolidating your knowledge of formal grammar, including word ending changes and sentence structure

The Language of the Latin Mass 8 Weeks (22 February ‑ 19 March 2021, and 19 April ‑ 14 May 2021)

For Seminarians, Priests, Religious, 50% subsidised; and interested laypersons; two one hour sessions, on separate occasions, per week).

£600 per person but after generous Latin Mass Society subsidy this is reduced by 50% for priests etc. Connected to England and Wales by residency or background (PLEASE SEE NOTE* below).

About Me

I read Classics as an undergraduate at Oxford (MA conferred 2007) and later did further graduate study in ancient Indian languages also at Oxford. I also hold Master’s degrees in the History of Christianity and, most recently, in Philosophy. I have published one book on the monastic life of Mount Athos and am working on a second as well as occasionally publishing on ancient Indo‑European language. I am passionate about reading and teaching different forms of ancient language and do not believe these languages, or the texts written in them, are dead. They speak to modern concerns, needs and faith.

About the courses

Christian Greek and Latin runs throughout the year, in small groups. If you already know some of the language we are studying then we will build up quickly in a smooth progression to get you reading real texts from the Christian heritage. If you are new to ancient language then we will still take the same broad path but with additional assistance as required which will help you to quickly connect with the main learning route. The lessons are encounters with the language as it was written and as it has been valued for centuries.

Homework and rote‑learning need not be a significant part of these encounters — although some students do prefer these age‑old methods and they will find themselves looked after in that regard. Primarily, we are all language users, have all learned languages before. This experience will really be no different. You will quickly be reading and, I hope and would expect, enjoying Latin and Greek. We will meet, in groups of no more than four or five, for two hours a week . There will not need to be formal preparation for most classes (except for example while learning a new alphabet) but everyone will be free to read and learn between times if they choose. Plenty of hints will be provided about this!

Why ancient languages?

In a world of uncertainty our roots anchor us. For the Catholic Christian, Latin and Greek, along with Hebrew of course, as well as a range of other languages (for example Coptic) together form one of the most significant roots that allows us to draw nearer to the heart of the thought‑world of faith. The fresh experience of reading an author like Augustine, encountering him in his own language, is like none other. These courses are designed to promote such a direct encounter and to do so quickly. Whether your interest is devotional or related to theological study – or if you just want to read some good books – the Christian Greek and Latin courses are for you. We meet online in small groups throughout the year, with some seasonal variation. ‘‘Graduates’’ of one may go on to other courses, as they choose, but doing the Beginners class is not always essential, particularly if you already have extensive background in the Latin language, or a particularly intuitive grasp of language matters.

* The regular price (e.g. for interested and qualified laypersons) is £600 for the ‘‘Latin Mass” course. But please see the following.

(The course requires some prior experience of Latin and will be a more formal introduction to the grammar of the language than the Beginners’ course, on which it builds.)

NOTE FROM THE LMS: The Latin Mass Society has agreed to pay half the fee of clergy and seminarians, as well as religious who are either based in or hail from England and Wales. Simply sign up with the course provider, and your details will be passed on to the society who will pay the provider (Matthew Spencer) on your behalf. Please pay all remaining fees (50% of the regular price of £600) directly to him according to his usual arrangements (by bank transfer or, if preferred, via PayPal transaction).

Clergy from and in other countries are encouraged to ask their local Una Voce associations for help if they need it: Una Voce Scotland, Latin Mass Society of Ireland, Una Voce America, Latin Mass Society of Australia. Latin Mass Society (Ecclesia Dei) New Zealand, etc..

15/01/2021 - 10:00

The Demographics of the Traditional Mass

Cross-posted from Rorate Caeli.
The online theology journal Homiletic and Pastoral Review has published an article of mine drawing on the FIUV Report which discusses the demographic profile of Traditional Mass congregations.
My conclusion:

I have demonstrated that the association between the EF and young people and families is neither a myth nor something limited to certain countries. Most Catholics have never encountered the EF, but of those who do, mostly by chance, the ones who make it their preferred Form of Mass are disproportionately young, and include a disproportionate number of families with small children. The presence of numerous children at the typical EF celebration can be confirmed, indeed, by anyone willing to set foot in one, provided it is celebrated in a reasonably family-friendly time and place, and is reasonably well-established.

The place of migrants, and in general of people of mixed cultural and linguistic backgrounds, at the EF, can be seen, naturally, only in places where the local population includes them. Nevertheless it is very evident in cities such as London, and as indicated in the statements quoted above, can be found in many countries.

Easiest of all to confirm is the presence of men at the EF. With Ordinary Form congregations in many places being increasingly dominated by older women, the ability of the EF to retain at least equal numbers of men, as well as young people and those bringing up children, is of no small significance.

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14/01/2021 - 10:00

Hypocrisy and solidarity: the intellectuals and the masses

My latest on LifeSite.
An ever-lengthening list of politicians and media personalities who have been fierce advocates of coronavirus restrictions have turned out to have flouted them. Recently the TV journalist Piers Morgan, who has turned publicly shaming minor celebrities for failures to toe the line on the epidemic into an art form, is now accused of popping off to Antigua for a holiday, against the rules. The Scottish member of Parliament Margaret Ferrier, who is facing trial over her bizarre journeys criss-crossing the country while she was waiting for a test result, had earlier demanded the resignation of Dominic Cummings, a government adviser, for doing something similar. It may be difficult to top the shamelessness of Gavin Newsom, governor of California, going to a party at a famous restaurant in breach of rules he had personally imposed on his state. But I think Neil Ferguson manages it: he was the U.K. Government’s scientific adviser, a man more responsible for the “lockdown” policy than anyone else in the country, who broke the rules in order to commit adultery.
Read the whole thing there.

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13/01/2021 - 14:56

Woke philosophers vs. Kathleen Stock

Prof. Kathleen Stock is a 'gender critical' feminist and a philosopher at the Univesity of Sussex. She has been involved in the controvery about proposed changes to the Gender Recognition Act which aimed to make it possible for anyone to change gender without any formal process: she is against this. I'd say the mob has come after her, but it's a mob of academic philosophers, and I wonder what the appropriate collective noun is. 'Shower', perhaps. They've written a joint open letter criticising her; there is a counter-letter in her support here, which I have signed myself. One of the leading names is Prof Peter Singer. Anyone familiar with philosophical ethics will enjoy the irony of his and my name appearing together under the same letter. Then again I'd not normally group myself with Stock either. This is about the freedom to disagree, not about defending our specific philosophical views.

I've written about the issue on LifeSite; here's a key passage.
...there is something very odd about a group of philosophers gathering to condemn a fellow philosopher for holding certain views without regard for the cogency of the views themselves. Surely, that must come into it. Surely, if Stock is correct, then any possible harmful fall-out from publicizing these opinions should be managed in some way other than by publicly shaming her? It is almost as if these critics are not confident about the force of their arguments, but hope to win the point by weight of numbers, joined with the fashionable nature of their own position.

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09/01/2021 - 16:56

Same-Sex Marriage isn't working

My latest on LifeSite. A key paragraph:


Daily Mail reports that “divorces” among same-sex couples increased from 428 in 2018 to 822 in 2019, and of the 2019 figure, almost three quarters are lesbian couples. (There were also 107,599 actual divorces that year in the U.K., an increase of 20% on the previous year.) Drew ran a clinic to help women in lesbian couples conceive children, and, as she told the Daily Mail, “a third of the 586 lesbian couples [sic] she helped to have babies between 2011 and 2015 have split up.”

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