Latin Mass Society

Birmingham (North Staffs)

Alan Frost

A Missa Cantata was offered at the Third Sunday Mass of Lent at Our Lady’s, Swynnerton, by Fr Stephen Goodman from Wolverhampton. He kindly stood in (as he has done on several occasions) for Fr Paul Chavasse who had travelled up to the North East for the enthronement of Bishop Byrne at Newcastle Cathedral on the Feast of the Annunciation. Long-standing friends, the new Bishop and Fr Paul were novices together, and received the Oratorian habit together on the Feast of St Bruno in 1980 at the Birmingham Oratory. Bishop Byrne was previously Auxiliary Bishop in the Birmingham Archdiocese. Fr Chavasse will be offering the Traditional Rite Mass for the Feast of Ss Peter & Paul (29 June) at Swynnerton at 10 am. During March he organised a Novena for the promotion of the canonisation of Bd Dominic Barberi, who brought J. H. Newman into the Catholic Church. Fr Chavasse is an authority on Cardinal Newman.

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