The life of St Mary’s Priory Shrine seems to get busier as groups and activities grow. There are young families and young adults’ groups with members going on the forthcoming annual Pilgrimage (7 – 11 June) to Chartres. There are regular activities for teenagers and children with summer camps taking place in August. Concerning social issues, a pro-life group meets each month and there is also a meeting each month for anyone suffering addiction to drugs or alcohol (a confidential phone contact is available). Mass and Confession continue to be offered every day, with the Mass televised live on the Internet (www.livemass.org). The Mass on March 30 was part of a whole Day of Lenten Recollection led by Rector, Fr de Malleray, FSSP, who will be giving a Lenten Retreat for clergy at Douai Abbey, 13 -17 May. The Summer issue of the FSSP quarterly ‘Dowry’, edited by the Rector, will be available in June. The following month, on Thursday, July 4, there will be Confirmations in the Traditional Rite in a Mass celebrated by Archbishop Malcolm McMahon O.P. Candidates from other dioceses are welcome to be confirmed at this Mass (contact Fr Lowenstein at padrek@libero.it). There was a bit of a hitch in the Priory Campaign to purchase nearby property to provide the Shrine with necessary additional building space, but the news is now good. The purchase of Priory Court has been agreed (two Units to be paid now and the third Unit within a year, subject to further fund-raising).
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