Latin Mass Society

Celebrations of the Sacred Triduum across the country

Celebrations of the Sacred Triduum across the country

Celebrations of the traditional Sacred Triduum for 2024 will take place across the country, with the LMS supporting the music at two such occasions.

The Holy See is currently considering requests made by the Catholic bishops of England and Wales for continued celebrations of the traditional Latin Mass.  At this sensitive moment, some clergy are asking us not to publicise their celebrations of the Sacred Triduum too widely. We are regretfully restricting listings to LMS members, who can login to see details HERE.

The listings will be updated as we receive further information.



(Image credit: The Women at the Tomb, Unknown Artist, Regensburg Benedictional, about 1030-1040. The J. Paul Gerry Museum, Los Angeles, Ms. Ludwig VII 1, fol 40v.

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Latin Mass Society, 9 Mallow Street, London EC1Y 8RQ | 020 7404 7284 | [email protected]