Latin Mass Society

10th Anniversary of Summorum Pontificum

10th Anniversary of Summorum Pontificum

A little after the event, but we have now published a selection of photos (taken by John Aron) of the Pontifical High Mass at St Mary Moorfields to mark the 10th Anniversary of Summorum Pontificum.

The Mass was celebrated on Thursday 14th September and was that of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. Bishop Mark Jabalé OSB, Emeritus Bishop of Menevia, was the celebrant, Mgr Gordon Read the Assistant Priest, Fr John Hemer the Deacon and Fr David Evans the Subdeacon. Canon Poucin de Wouilt ICKSP was MC1 and Richard Pickett MC2, who lead a band of dedicated servers. Music was supplied by Cantus Magnus, under the direction of Matthew Schellhorn. There were a number of priests in choir.

Photos can be seen on our Flickr

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