Burses, chalice veils, maniples and stoles
No, this is not some ancient chant, but is a list of items that have just been added to our online shop.
One of the things which has emerged from a thorough investigation of the Latin Mass Society’s vestment presses is a considerable number of non-matching items. In addition to a number of chasubles which lack most or all of their supporting items, we have a small mountain of burses, chalice veils, maniples, and stoles with no chasuble, or anything else, to go with them.
We have decided, therefore, to make them available beyond the Society, for a small sum designed to cover our expenses, in the hope that they will provide a good enough match to complete other sets, in vestment presses of parishes around England and Wales, and perhaps beyond.
A catalogue of what we have, with photographs, can now be seen HERE.