Latin for Everyone - Bursaries available - Starts December 7th, 2022
Latin for Everyone - Bursaries available - Starts December 7th, 2022 - large discounts are available for priests, religious, seminarians and some other categories of clergy and laypersons. Please apply for further information at the email address below.
Latin for Everyone is an original new Latin course — delivered online into the comfort of your own home. It was launched this summer and has already been proving very popular with priests and laity alike. Designed for adults—both those with no previous experience of the language and those who already have some experience but would like to gain greater reading fluency—the course combines grown-up, engaging but rigorous teaching of the grammatical foundations of Latin with the immersive reading of liturgical texts.
The course has been designed to give learners a well-grounded understanding and to develop confidence in reading; it also provides a strong basis for further progression. The course leads, furthermore, into an optional examination and externally validated certification in Latin competence. The first module, ‘Fundamentals of Latin’, is taught by Peter Day-Milne MA (Oxon) MLitt (St Andrews), and the second and final module, a reading class entitled ‘The Roman Canon’, with supplementary grammar instruction, is taught by Matthew Spencer MA (Oxon) MPhil (Cardiff). Various further grammatical and reading modules are also available across the year as part of our 'Continuing Latin' provision.
The cost for the 12 weeks is £650. Thereafter various pricing options are available for continuing your Latin journey and encountering a wider range of authors, texts and styles.
80% Bursaries are kindly provided for priests and religious for several courses, including "Latin for Everyone" (plus for seminarians and others formally en route to the priesthood) by the Latin Mass Society who generously make these subsidies available to those resident in—or with a longstanding link to—England or Wales. Members of named fraternities and lay associations may also qualify for a newly available discount in addition to those generously offered by the Latin Mass Society.
Spaces are highly limited for the upcoming December session in order to keep class sizes small and so enable a focus on individual learning needs.
No previous experience of Latin is necessary
For further details or to begin the enrolment process for December, please contact matthewjaspencer@yahoo.com