Latin Mass Society

LMS Bursaries for Chartres

LMS Bursaries for Chartres


This year marks the 38th Chartres Pilgrimage – a walk of 70 miles in three days from St Sulpice, Paris to Notre Dame Cathedral, Chartres – with the theme: “Holy Angels, Protect us in our Battles”.

The British Pilgrimage starts on Friday 29 May 2020 at noon with a rendez-vous at St Pancras Station for the Eurostar to Paris from London.  Each day on the Pilgrimage the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be celebrated and the Holy Rosary will be prayed.  Confession and spiritual guidance will be available throughout each day.

On Tuesday, 2 June 2020, there is Mass in the Crypt of Chartres Cathedral before a coach takes pilgrims to Paris to catch the Eurostar back to London St Pancras.  Arrival in London will be 16:39.

The Latin Mass Society is subsidising the cost of the pilgrimage for five young people (must be aged 18 to 35). The normal price per person is £290, but the LMS is reducing that to £190 per person for each of the five sponsored places. For those who prefer a single hotel room, as opposed to sharing with a person of the same sex, there is a single-occupancy supplement of £60 - payable by the pilgrim.

If you are not a young adult (18-35), but would like to attend the Chartres Pilgrimage, please visit and book via the Chartres Pilgrimage UK website

To apply for one of the five LMS bursaries, please download and complete the Registration Form (see below) and send it, together with your £50 deposit, by post to The Latin Mass Society, 11-13 Macklin Street, London WC2B 5NH or scan and email the Registration Form to the LMS Office.

PLEASE NOTE: The bursaries are on a first come first served basis. Final payment must be received by FRIDAY, 20th MARCH.

You should also download and read the Preliminary Information document, which gives full details of the pilgrimage.

Download Registration Form (PDF)
Download Preliminary Information (PDF)

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Latin Mass Society, 9 Mallow Street, London EC1Y 8RQ | 020 7404 7284 | [email protected]