Latin Mass Society

LMS Day with Our Lady of Fatima

LMS Day with Our Lady of Fatima

The Latin Mass Society organised a very successful Day with Our Lady of Fatima at Our Lady of the Rosary & St Dominic’s, Haverstock Hill, on Saturday 8th July 2017.

The day began with a procession of the Pilgrim Statue of Our Lady and the relics of SS Jacinta and Francisco. High Mass in the Dominican Rite was celebrated by Fr Thomas Skeats OP, Prior and Parish Priest of St Dominic’s; the Deacon and preacher was Fr David Rocks OP, Prior and Parish Priest of Holy Cross, Leicester.

After a short break for lunch, the faithful were given the opportunity to venerate the relics of the two Fatima seers. Dominican novices led us in praying the rosary and Fr Lawrence Lew OP gave a talk on 'Our Lady of Fatima & Holy Purity', after which a number of those present were invested with the Brown Scapular.

First Vespers of SS John Fisher and Thomas More, Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament and the Act of Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary concluded the day.

The LMS is very grateful to Fr Skeats and the Dominican community for their kind hospitality; to the World Apostolate of Fatima for allowing us to have their Pilgrim Statue and Relics for the day; to Cantus Magnus (directed by Matthew Schellhorn) for providing music throughout the day and to John Aron for photographing it.

A selection of John’s photo can be seen here.
The text of Fr Lawrence’s Spiritual Conference can be read here.

Our Lady of Fatima, St Jacinta and St Francisco, pray for us.

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