Pilgrimage in honour of St John Plessington
The Institute of Christ the King Soverign Priest has organised a pilgrimage in honour of St John Plessington on Saturday 15th July.
2pm: Low Mass in the Extraordinary Form at St Francis of Assisi Church, Grosvenor Street, Chester CH1 2BN.
Followed by Veneration of the relic.
Priest Celebrant: Canon Cyprian Parant ICKSP
Mass will be followed by a procession through the city of Chester to the place of St John’s Martyrdom at Boughton.
Refreshments will be taken in the parish hall following the veneration and preceding the procession.
For catering purposes, it would be useful if you could confirm attendance to 01829 770697 or [email protected]
A brief biography of St John Plessington can be read here.