Latin Mass Society

Spring 2020 Mass of Ages is now available

Spring 2020 Mass of Ages is now available

Mass of Ages is the quarterly magazine of the Latin Mass Society. It contains reports on our many activities across the country, national and international news of Traditional Catholic events, feature articles on different aspects of traditional Faith and culture, and opinions and views on developments in the Catholic Church.

In this issue: • We feature the Pontifical High Mass at Birmingham Oratory in thanksgiving for the Canonisation of St John Henry Newman • Joseph Shaw finds no evidence to support the idea that traditionally minded Catholics are rigid in their thinking • Fr Armand de Malleray FSSP reports on the success of the Priory Campaign • Charles A. Coulombe shows how the British Empire helped spread the Faith • Henry Walker is inspired by the number of young people attending the Traditional Mass • Barbara Kay reports on a visit to a new hybrid education venture in Bedfordshire • Jeremy Boot introduces a Muslim colleague to the beauties of the Traditional Mass

Also in this edition:
The Chairman explains why we should not align ourselves with a process just because it appears to be vigorous and likely to prevail
In the first of a series, Sebastian Morello looks at ‘Cape wine’, much-loved by Napoleon – and by the Latin Mass Society
Clare Bowskill looks back at the life and work of the Late Colin Mawby, Patron of the LMS
There is a photographic report of Mass of the Epiphany of the Lord in Corpus Christi, Maiden Lane
Joseph Shaw reviews The Gentle Traditionalist Returns by Roger Buck

Our regular columnists:
• Mary O’Regan warns of the risk of dealing with those who would lead us away from the Faith
• Paul Waddington looks at one of Edward Pugin’s lesser known churches – Belmont Abbey
• The Lone Veiler laments the folly of food fads and looks forward to Glorious Lent
• Looks at the life of St John Henry Newman

See HERE for further information.

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Latin Mass Society, 9 Mallow Street, London EC1Y 8RQ | 020 7404 7284 | [email protected]