Latin Mass Society

Una Voce: The History of the Foederatio Internationalis Una Voce 1964-2003

Una Voce: The History of the Foederatio Internationalis Una Voce 1964-2003

Leo Darroch has produced a substantial and fascinating volume on the FIUV, commonly known as Una Voce International, from its beginnings up to the end of the presidency of the late Michael Davies. Davies’ predecessor, Eric de Savanthem, was President for 30 years, from the early days of the organisation, so the book revolves around these two remarkable men.

“Leo Darroch’s important book contains valuable insights into every major development in the treatment of the Traditional Mass over the long period of time it covers,” writes Joseph Shaw, “and makes clear the important role of the FIUV. It will be an indispensable work of reference for scholars and historians, as well as being of interest to anyone who wants to become well informed about the treatment of our liturgical patrimony during its long time in the wilderness.”

Leo Darroch was a member of the LMS Committee from 1986 until 2012; Deputy Chairman to Christopher Inman, and converted the old-style A4 typed reports into a modern magazine style in the early 90s.

Read the full review in Mass of Ages. Better still, buy the book and read it for yourself!

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