Latin Mass Society

Winter 2017 Dowry magazine

Winter 2017 Dowry magazine

The latest edition of Dowry, the quarterly magazine of the FSSP, has been published.

In this issue:
Editorial: Once upon a time in Oswiecim
Reflections on the 50th anniversary of the Abortion Act, by Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP

Fatima – the Essence of the Message
Fr Ian Verrier on the 100th anniversary of Our Lady’s Apparitions

Remembering the Papal Zouaves
Neil Addison on the soldiers who died in defence of the Papal States

Bedford Revisited – and more
New apostolate in Bedford, and a new priest in England

The Theology of Martin Luther
Fr Konrad Loewenstein, FSSP gives a summary of the heresiarch’s main doctrinal flaws

The Village Option
Non-selective Catholics should either regroup or dissolve, argues Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP

Reviving St Mary’s School in Warrington?
Rolling up our sleeves to assist Catholic parents in raising their children as truly Catholic

Catholic Thrillers for Christmas
The Devil Hates Latin: a plot in ecclesiastical circles; Do No Harm: pro-lifers in a legal battle

Three New Churches on Three Continents
Encouraging updates on the growth and expansion of the FSSP as they begin their 30th year

Childlessness: Private Pangs and Public Doom
Painful commonsense: where are our children – and our future? By Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP

Being a Catholic at University
Meet the real counter-cultural youth, by Bernadette Waddelove at Durham University

Forthcoming events
Summer Camps in the Peak District, January Clergy Retreat and June Ordination

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For those who do not reveive a copy, the complete edition can be read HERE.

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