Latin Mass Society


Biblical Roots of the Mass

Thomas Nash

In this profoundly insightful and highly readable book, Thomas Nash brilliantly refutes the common charge that the Mass is “unbiblical.” As you’ll discover, the story of the Mas


Brief Life of Christ

Fulton J. Sheen

Fulton J. Sheen turned his voice and pen to many subjects during the course of a long and remarkable apostolate.


Christ in His Mysteries

Blessed Columba Marmion

Dom Columba Marmion's classic work Christ the Life of the Soul aims at showing forth "the fundamental character of the Christian life, according to the Gospel, the Epistles of S


Divine Intimacy

Father Gabriel of St Mary Magdalen

This Book of Meditations is a classic and is seeped in Carmelite spirituality.


Doctor at Calvary

Pierre Barbet

The Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ as Described by a Surgeon


Holy Spirit

Mitch Pacwa

A Bible Study Guide for Catholics


Impressions of Jesus

Denis McBride

In this book we meet a wide range of characters from the Gospel and share their reflections and reactions to Jesus.


Jesus and the Gospels

Denis McBride

This book reflects on the key moments of the Jesus story as the four evangelists present them.


Jesus of Nazareth

Michael Hesemann

Archaeologists Retracing the Footsteps of Christ


On Love

Joseph Ratzinger Benedict XVI

In these homilies, most of which are previously unpublished, Joseph Ratzinger, now Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, addresses the theme he has celebrated, pondered, and witnessed by


Parables of Jesus

Denis McBride

Jesus invests much of his teaching in parables which have as much power today as when they were first spoken.


Scripture Wars

Rod Bennett

How Justin Martyr rescued the Old Testament for Christians


Tears of Christ

John Henry Newman

''Jesus wept, not merely from the deep thoughts of his understanding but from spontaneous tenderness, from the goodness and mercy, the encompassing loving-kindness and exuberant


The Everlasting Man

G.K. Chesterton

In 1925, just three years after his reception into the Catholic Church, G.K.


The Word

Adrienne von Speyr

A Meditation on the Prologue to St John's Gospel


The Word Is Very Near You

Wilfrid Stinissen

The acclaimed spiritual writer Fr Stinissen says that all Christian literature and preaching are nothing more than an attempt to explain and interpret what God himself has spoke


What is the Bible?

Henri Daniel-Rops

Some people look at the Bible and see a collection of stories that teach us how to live good and happy lives.


Wisdom from the Psalms

Peter Kreeft

The Psalms are the most popular, most universally loved and used book in the Bible, which in turn is the most popular book in the world.


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