100 Ways John Paul II Changed the World
"There is no evil to be faced that Christ does not face with us. There is no enemy that Christ has not already conquered.
"There is no evil to be faced that Christ does not face with us. There is no enemy that Christ has not already conquered.
The great twentieth-century theologian Henri de Lubac sought in this work to clarify the relationship between nature and grace, a relationship he thought had been greatly misund
Modernism is a heresy condemned by Pope St. Pius X (1903-1914). yet it is the predominating error in the Catholic Church since Vatican II (1962-1965).
This book is a short introduction to the development of the Roman Rite of Mass, the most widely used of the Church’s liturgical rites, from its origins in early Christianity unt
The Essential Philosophical Passages of St. Thomas Aquinas' Summa Theologica Edited and Explained for Beginners!
This unique synopsis of the Summa Theologica is a complete, chapter-by-chapter restatement of St. Thomas' work, intended to expose readers to the totality of St.
Let go and let God." This popular phrase captures the essence of Father Jean-Pierre de Caussade's 18th century treatise on trust, Abandonment to Divine Providence.
In these pages, EWTN host and Franciscan Friar Fr Andrew Apostoli reflects on each of the questions asked by Jesus and gently guides you into a deeper understanding of the wisdo
Proves the truth of the Faith from a philosophic point of view.
Everything You Need to Know about Death, Judgment, Heaven, and Hell
The phrase, "the Culture of Death", is bandied about as a catch-all term that covers abortion, euthanasia and other attacks on the sanctity of life.
Students of Catholic theology are often presented with a choice between Thomas Aquinas and Hans Urs von Balthasar as the best masters to follow.
In this profoundly insightful and highly readable book, Thomas Nash brilliantly refutes the common charge that the Mass is “unbiblical.” As you’ll discover, the story of the Mas
In Bilbo's Journey go beyond the dragons, dwarves, and elves, and discover the surprisingly deep meaning of J.R.R. Tolkien's classic novel The Hobbit.
This 2009 is an exact reprint of John Henry Newman's original 1842 English edition, with marking ribbons in each vol.
With a Foreword by Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger/Pope Benedict XVI
The great spiritual writer, Fr Columba Marmion, wrote this classic work on the priesthood to show the holiness that priests are called to, and how that holiness can only be atta
John Paul II, Joseph Ratzinger, and Hans Urs von Balthasar on the Theology of Holy Saturday.
Some Americans claim we should exclude Christian values from the public square. On the contrary, argues philosopher Jacques Maritain, good Christians make good citizens.
Proof of the Truth of the Catholic Faith. The classic apologetics for adult level. Ironclad logic!
The Compendium of Theology, was the last St Thomas Aquinas undertook before his death.
Maximus the Confessor, saint and martyr, is the theologian of synthesis: of Rome and Byzantium, of Eastern and Western theology, of antiquity and the Middle Ages, reexcavating t
In Dark Night of the Soul, Saint John of the Cross presents for us a portrait painted from his own experience of one who advances successfully through the struggles of
Defending Marriage: Twelve Arguments for Sanity is a rousing, compelling defense of traditional, natural marriage.
Early Christianity explores how in the first centuries the followers of Jesus Christ lived their faith centred upon Him.
This compendium of theological-historical source texts, in a bilingual edition, is completely revised and extended to the pontificate of Benedict XVI.
John Henry Newman’s Essays Critical and Historical are articles he originally wrote between 1829 and 1846 and later collected together and republished in 1871.
The Interpretation of Scripture in the Light of the History of Research on the Old Testament
Talks on Fifty Feasts of Mary Throughout the Year with Two Talks for Mother's Day
Twenty-three centuries ago, the great Greek philosopher Aristotle gave us profound insights into the nature and nourishment of friendship in all its forms, foremost among them t
Discover the Christian Meaning of The Lord of the Rings. Did you know that the events of The Lord of the Rings are deeply intertwined with the Christian calendar?
When cultures such as ours toss Jesus out one door, He comes in - albeit disguised - through another.
Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma has been considered as the definitive single volume summary of Catholic dogmatic theology ever since its original publication in German
Fr Dominique Barthélemy, O.P. was an internationally recognized expert on Old Testament studies and a member of the Pontifical Biblical Commission.
"The idea of putting Magisterial teaching in a beautiful display case while separating it from pastoral practice, which then could evolve along with circumstances, fashions, and
Today we call them “sound bites”, but pithy phrases that capture in a few words the wisdom of the world are far older than that modern term.
Destined to become the classic behind the contemporary revival of devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Heart of the Redeemer examines the doctrinal roots of the devotion to th
Former Prefect of the Papal Household Archbishop Georg Ganswein presents a stirring defense of Catholic theology, Church tradition, and the primacy of the Catholic Faith in his
This classic work by the great French poet and writer, Paul Claudel, is a soaring meditation on the profound Christian truths of the Apostle's Creed.
In wise and consoling letters written to a mother sorrowing over the death of her child, Fr.
What sacred images should surround the faithful at worship and be available to them for instruction, in meditation and in prayer?
This book is neither a deriding of the worldly "profane" nor a splitting up of reality into a supposedly unholy realm over against one which alone is consecrated to God.
Prepares students to read the Roman Missal and Breviary. 195 pp.
With clear, compelling logic bolstered by countless Scriptural confirmations, Fr.
In his best-selling book A Catholic Replies to Professor Dawkins, Thomas Crean gave a clear and sophisticated response to the modern atheist phenomenon.
Who does not long for a “sinless” world where nothing we do goes wrong, nothing we do has dire consequences for others, nothing we do need make us sorry?
You may have read the Catechism of the Catholic Church and you may have studied The Baltimore Catechism, too, but if you don’t know the Catechism that Jesus gave us, you don’t k
Finally, you can learn the full truth about contraception and how it relates to love and marriage, including: What the Church really teaches about contraception, Why this teachi
"You are beautiful as Tirzah, my love, lovely like Jerusalem." - Song of Songs
500 Years of Protestantism and Its Consequences for Church, State, and Society.
This unique Marian devotional includes hymns, prayers, songs, ballads, litanies, and other texts drawn from all centuries, bringing together a precious collection of texts from
Yes, I know that memorizing the Faith is no substitute for living a holy life, but even devout people can't live by truths and precepts they don't remember.
Join Joseph Pearce on a journey into the real Shire - a voyage into the mysterious presence of an England which is more real than the one you are accustomed to seeing, the one w
Identity means being the same and being different. It is a one-word oxymoron. How on earth can the concept make sense?
In these homilies, most of which are previously unpublished, Joseph Ratzinger, now Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, addresses the theme he has celebrated, pondered, and witnessed by
Very often in the history of Christianity, "reformers", by whatever name, have aspired to return to "the early Church".
Philosophical Virtues and Psychological Strengths brings Catholic philosophical and theological moral thought into direct dialogue with the psychological sciences and aims to es
In praise of Augustine, Herbert A. Deane writes, "Genius he had in full measure ...
3 vols. 4,374 questions and answers on every conceivable aspect of the Catholic Faith by these intrepid preachers. Clear, succinct, uncompromising, powerful.
Rapture: The End-Times Error That Leaves the Bible Behind makes Scripture, prophecy, and history come alive; and it demonstrates that if you open your Bible, you'll find that Go
Why do some religious believers slaughter those who refuse to convert to their faith, refuse scientific evidence for an ancient universe, or hold God to be an utterly arbitrary
Ethics both in theory and practice.
St John Paul II's Vision of Love, Marriage, Family, and the Culture of Life
Chesterton reveals the marvelous clarity of Thomas’s mind and highlights “the intense rightness of his sense of the relation between the mind and the real thing outside the mind
Between 1594 and 1598, a preacher named Francois converted 72,000 Protestants to the Catholic Faith. These are his words.
In this powerful book by the acclaimed spiritual leader and best-selling writer, one he calls his "most important", he analyzes the profound spiritual, moral and political crisi
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