Latin Mass Society

Anniversary Supporters Appeal

To provide a predictable income for the Society for our new and existing projects, we called, and continue to call, on our supporters to consider making regular donations of a few pounds a month.

Never have the prospects for the traditional movement in England and Wales been more positive. Never has the Latin Mass Society been more active.

Please support our transition to the next fifty years of our work. Thank you. 

If you are a UK tax payer please 'Gift Aid' your donation as this will allow us to reclaim basic tax relief on your donation. Thank you.

Contribution Amount
Other Amount £
Total Amount
Gift Aid

By selecting 'Yes' above you are confirming that you are a UK taxpayer and the amount of income and/or capital gains tax you pay is at least as much as we will reclaim on your donations in this tax year.

About Gift Aid

Gift Aid increases the value of donations to charities by allowing them to reclaim basic rate tax on your gift. We would like to reclaim gift aid on your behalf. We can only reclaim Gift Aid if you are a UK taxpayer. Please confirm that you are a eligible for gift aid above. More about Gift Aid.

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© LMS 2016 | Registered Charity Number: 248388 | Terms & Conditions

Latin Mass Society, 9 Mallow Street, London EC1Y 8RQ | 020 7404 7284 | [email protected]
