On the last weekend of August, the Society holds its Annual Walking Pilgrimage to Walsingham, covering 59 miles of paths, tracks, and roads, in the footsteps of countless pilgrims since before the Norman Conquest, for the Conversion of England.
Today, we are offering supporters not able to do the walk the chance to share in the graces of the pilgrimage by sponsoring the pilgrims.
We strive to match the sacrifices of the walking pilgrims with splendid liturgy, the best possible support on the road, and proper evening meals, cooked from scratch each day. At the same time, we want to keep pilgrims’ fees as low as possible, with generous discounts for children and students. We don’t charge our chaplains, or seminarians and religious. Our volunteers, also, need to be supported.
To do this in 2024 and beyond, we need your help
In the Middle Ages those who could not go on pilgrimage in person would often sponsor poor pilgrims, and in this way share in the graces received, asking the pilgrims to pray for their intentions. In modern times, pilgrims of the Guild of Our Lady of Ransom carried a satchel of written petitions, from supporters, to Walsingham. There is a box for such written petitions in the Slipper Chapel.
In 2023, LMS pilgrims were accompanied by Fr Henry Whisenant, Fr Thomas Crean and Fr Serafino Lanzetta and we have been joined over the years by secular clergy, the friars from Gosport, FSSP seminarians, members of the ICKSP and the F.SS.R. from Papa Stronsay.
Our tireless support team includes three drivers and cooks, as well as leaders of chapters, marshalls, and singers. In 2023, we had more than 200 pilgrims - our biggest ever.
Don’t miss your chance to play a part in the Walsingham Pilgrimage
The Pilgrimage in 2024 and beyond is only going to be possible with the help of you, our pilgrims’ sponsors.
In return for your help, we will:
- Pray for you, with your name, as ‘anon’, or ‘in memoriam’ or your deceased loved ones, listed in pilgrims’ information packs.
- Offer Mass for you during the Pilgrimage, on the Saturday morning.
- Carry your petitions, in written form, by foot from Ely to Walsingham, for deposit beneath the Shrine image in the Slipper Chapel.

Prayer petitions for the 2024 pilgrimage can be left here.