Latin Mass Society


Corpus Christi, Maiden Lane

We are delighted to announce that the Monday Missa Canata at Corpus Christi, Maiden Lane will resume on Monday 10th September at 6.30pm, with Confessions from 6pm.

Due to other commitments, Fr Patrick Hayward asked us to find another priest to offer these Masses and Fr Gabriel Diaz has kindly agreed to do so.

We take this opportunity to thank Fr Hayward for his dedication in offering the Monday Mass over the years and we also thank Fr Diaz for taking them over.

Photo: Rt Revd Hugh Allan O.Praem in Corpus Christi. (Copyright Corpus Christi and John Aron)

Eucharistic Congress in Liverpool

The National Eucharistic Pilgrimage & Congress ‘Adoremus’ takes place in Liverpool 7th - 9th September.

Although Masses in the Extraordinary Form do not form part of the official programme of events during the Congress, there will be celebrations in St Anthony's, Scotland Road, Liverpool L5 5BD at the following times:

Friday 7th: Low Mass at 9am
Saturday 8th (Nativity of the BVM): Missa Cantata at 9am
Sunday 9th: Missa Cantata at 3pm, followed by Benediction

Sunday Mass in Southampton

A number of people have approached Fr James Bradley at Holy Family, Southampton, and asked about the possibility of a regular Latin Mass on Sunday. Fr Bradley already offers a Mass in the Extraordinary Form on Thursdays at 7-30 pm. He has indicated that he would be very willing to hear from those interested and, if a stable group of the faithful can be formed, he wants to help make this provision.

AGM and High Mass report

Members of the Latin Mass Society gathered in Westminster Cathedral Hall on Saturday for the AGM. Reports were given by the Chairman, Dr Joseph Shaw (who, in the absence of David Forster, also delivered the Treasurer’s report) and Secretary, Kevin Jones. The guest speaker was the Rt Rev. Mgr Gordon Read, LMS National Chaplain.

Assumption of the BVM

Wednesday (15th) is the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This is a Holy Day of Obligation and, to help you filfil the obligation, we have details of more than 50 Masses in the Extraordinary Form around the country. See HERE for details.

If there are any corrections or additions to this list, please contact Stephen in the LMS Office.

Autumn 2018 edition of Mass of Ages

The autumn 2018 edition of Mass of Ages is now available. Members should be receiving their copy this week.

In this issue: • We publish the text of Bishop Schneider’s sermon in St Mary Moorfields, where he celebrated Pontifical High Mass in May • Dr Mary Coghill remembers the painter, poet and World War I veteran David Jones (1895-1974) • Claire Fitzgerald looks at prison through the eyes of a Chaplaincy Volunteer • Lawrence England writes about Eucharistic indifference • Alberto Carosa, our Roman Reporter, provides an obituary of Cardinal Dario Castrillion Hoyos

Masses in St Augustine's Shrine, Ramsgate

The St Catherine's Trust's Summer School in Ramsgate starts on Sunday. Masses (which are open to all to attend) will be in the recently restored Shrine of St Augustine.

Sunday 5pm Sung Mass
Monday and Tuesday 12 noon High Mass
Wednesday to Saturday 12 noon Sung or High Mass

Picture: Blessing of the new reliquary at the Shrine of St Augustine Ramsgate by Cardinal Burke. Credit: Augustine Camino.

Great news from Glastonbury

Thanks to Fr Bede Rowe, the parish priest of Our Lady of Glastonbury, there will more Traditional Masses celebrated than hitherto.

There has been a regular Sunday Mass at 6pm (which will continue) but, with immediate effect, a Low Mass will also be offered at 7.30am each weekday apart from Thursdays. However, in case of cancellations, it is advisable to check before travelling.

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Latin Mass Society, 9 Mallow Street, London EC1Y 8RQ | 020 7404 7284 | [email protected]
