Latin Mass Society

Ceremony of the Shepherds and Midnight Mass CD

Schola Gregoriana of Cambridge

The ceremony of the Shepherds is a Christmas play which would have been performed by the clergy themselves, from the most junior to the most senior. It takes place during the night, between the end of the Night Office of Matins and the beginning of Midnight Mass. It opens with the Angel’s announcement to the Shepherds, ‘Fear not, I bring you good tidings.

This recording was made during a live celebration of the Mass as it used to be celebrated in Rouen Cathedral in the 13th century. The form of the service is a local variant of the Roman rite and the prayers of the priest may be heard from time to time being quietly recited at the altar.

Special features of this fascinating rite include the words ‘frates et sorores‘ (brothers and sisters) at the ‘Orate fratres’, and the offering of the Book of Gospels to the noble ladies present in the congregation for them to kiss.

Track listing
1 The Ceremony of the Shepherds
2 Introit: Dominus dixit
3 Kyrie Rex genitor
4 Gloria quem cives celestes
5 Collect for Midnight Mass
6 Prophecy: Isaiah IX, 2, 6-7
7 Gradual: Tecum principium
8 Epistle: Titus II, 11-15
9 Alleluia: Dominus dixit
10 Sequence: Nato canunt omnia
11 Gospel: Luke II, 1-14
12 Credo
13 Offertory: Letentur celi
14 Preface for Christmas
15 Sanctus: Ante secula
16 Pater noster
17 Princeps Ecclesi?
18 Agnus Dei – Fons indeficiens
19 Communion: In splendoribus Ite missa est
20 Lauds: First Antiphon
21 Benedicamus Trope
22 Antiphon: Ecce completa sunt

Product Dimensions: 
12.5 × 14 × 1 cm
Running Time: 
51 minutes
Audio CD

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