Latin Mass Society

Mary and the Saints

Brief and indepth studies of the lives of the saints, for children and adults.
Works from the great spiritual writers such as Francis de Sales, Thérèse  of Liseux and Louis de Montfort.

St Thomas More of London

Elizabeth Ince

St Thomas More comes to life in this biography from the acclaimed "Vision Books" series of saints for youth 9 - 16 years old.


100 Ways John Paul II Changed the World

Patrick Novecosky

"There is no evil to be faced that Christ does not face with us. There is no enemy that Christ has not already conquered.


30 Days with St. Thérèse

Thomas J. Craughwell

Saint Thérèse of Lisieux is known as a saint, mystic, Doctor of the Church and is one of the most venerated saints of the Church.


A Heart Like Mary's

Edward Looney

31 Daily Meditations to Help You Live and Love as She Does


A Mary Christmas

Kathleen Carroll

A Mary Christmas completes a trilogy of books about the Catholic customs and traditions surrounding the celebration of Christmas, including A Franciscan Christmas and A Catholic


A Newman Reader

Ed. Matthew Muller

Through his prolific writing, Cardinal John Henry Newman guided Catholics to a deeper understanding and love of the Faith, and his writings continue to move and inspire us today


An Alphabet of Saints

Robert Hugh Benson

A companion to A Child's Rule of Life and Old Testament Rhymes, An Alphabet of Saints is considered by many to be even more prized and cherished by children an


Apparitions at Fatima DVD


With great integrity, this film recreates the times and circumstances of Mary's appearances and miracles at Fátima.


Art of Saints

Wendy Beckett

A celebration of Holy men and women


Bernadette, Our Lady's Little Servant

Hertha Pauli

This is the story of the girl to whom the Blessed Virgin appeared as "a little young lady" and revealed herself as the Immaculate Conception.


Blessed John Henry Newman: A Richly Illustrated Portrait

Sr Dietz and Sr Dechant FSO

Many may wonder why Newman was beatified, what was it that made him holy?  The authors indicate an answer to this question.  His was not a life of extraordinary signs and wonder


Cause of Our Joy

Mother Mary Francis

Walking Day by Day with Our Lady


Charles de Foucauld

Jean-Jacques Antier

"My Father, I put myself in your hands", wrote Charles de Foucauld in his journal.


Conscience is my Crown

Patricia Claus

A Family’s Heroic Witness in an Age of Intolerance.


Dictionary of Quotes from the Saints

Paul Thigpen

Overflowing with priceless spiritual insights, this rich collection presents key quotes from the saints on topics that are fundamental to Christian faith and experience.


Divine Life of the Most Holy Virgin


Shorter and faster reading than our other abridgement, this book just flows and flows. It includes Our Lady's participation in the events of Our Lord's Passion and death.


Dominic Barberi

Gerard Skinner

Famously, Blessed Dominic Barberi (1792 – 1849) received Saint John Henry Newman into the Catholic Church, yet even the most renowned Newman scholars hardly pause to consider th


Edith Stein: A Biography

Waltraud Herbstrith

A powerful and moving story of the remarkable Jewish woman who converted to Catholicism, became a nun, achieved remarkable success in the male-dominated world of German philosop


Edith the Fair: Visionary of Walsingham

Bill Flint

Establishes for the first time the historical identity of the Shrine’s foundress, the visionary ‘Rychold’.


Edmund Campion

Richard Simpson

A definitive life of Campion. Simpson's classic biography has been thoroughly revised and enlarged by Fr Peter Joseph. With a foreword by Cardinal Pell.


Edmund Campion: Hero of God's Underground

Harold Gardiner

From the famous Vision Books series of lives of saints for young people, this is the inspiring dramatic account of the colorful and courageous life and death of the martyr, St.


English Catholic Heroes

John Jolliffe

Through the great men and women of the English Church we can see the continuous inspiration of the Catholic Faith in England as an unbroken tradition shaping life and work, hist


English Catholic Heroines

Joanna Bogle

In this book a group of distinguished authors with varying interests champion the achievements of twenty-three seminal figures in the history of the English Church, from the sev


Epic Saints

Shaun McAfee

Wild, Wonderful, and Weird Stories of God's Heroes


Escape from Evil's Darkness

Robert Spitzer

The Light of Christ in the Church, Spiritual Conversion, and Moral Conversion


Every Day with Mary

Mary Amore

Reflections by the Affiliates of Mayslake Ministries

Growing closer to the Blessed Virgin Mary can have a profound impact on your spiritual life.


Father Damien and the Bells

Arthur and Elizabeth Sheehan

This 25th volume in the acclaimed Vision Books series of saints' lives for youth 9-15 years old is the story of the saintly Fr.



Paul Senz

100 Questions and Answers on the Marian Apparitions


Fatima for Today: The Urgent Marian Message of Hope

Andrew Apostoli, C.F.R

Though the apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima took place almost a hundred years ago, Our Lady's call to prayer and penance for the salvation of souls and peace in the world is as


Fatima Handbook

Leo Madigan

Here is an inexpensive and indispensable guide to Fatima, which will answer all those questions, essential and incidental, that that present themselves to English speakers on pi


Fatima, Russia & Pope John Paul II

Timothy Tindal-Robertson

This book is the first full-length account of how the end of the former Soviet Union is attributable to the hand of God through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary.  The


Feasts of Our Lady

Arthur Tonne

Talks on Fifty Feasts of Mary Throughout the Year with Two Talks for Mother's Day


Festivals of Faith: Sermons for the Liturgical Year

St John Henry Newman

John Henry Newman “alone could be considered a Doctor of the Church of the Modern Era,” Erich Przywara wrote in 1955 when Newman’s cause for canonization was first opened.


Forget Not Love: The Passion of Maximilian Kolbe

Andre Frossard

The famous French author's unique writing style captivates the reader with the heroic story of Saint Maximilian Kolbe, a modern apostle of Catholic evangelization, Marian spirit


Fruits of Fatima

Joseph Pronechen

A Century of Signs and Wonders


Garden for Our Lady

Felicity Surridge

Reviving the ancient tradition of Mary Gardens


Glory in All Things

Andre Gushurst-Moore

St Benedict & Catholic Education Today


Gospel According to St Therese

Joseph Schmidt

Therese of Lisieux is one of the most popular saints of our time and for good reason. As Pope St.


Gospels According to St Francis

Hilarion Kistner

A Franciscan priest, Scripture scholar, and teacher, Fr Hilarion Kistner explores how Francis heard, lived, and proclaimed the Gospel.


Heroes of the Catholic Reformation

Joseph Pearce

The Protestant Reformation began five hundred years ago, accompanied by an age of turmoil and secularism we can recognize even in our own time.


Holy Places Holy People

Gavin Wakefield

A Guide Through the Holy Places and People of North-East England


House of the Virgin Mary

Godfrey E. Phillips

Come to know the house of the Virgin Mary which, according to numberless saints, scores of popes, and many official documents of the Vatican (and to protect it from the depredat


Imitation of Christ: Illustrated edition

Thomas a Kempis

Written by Thomas a Kempis in the Middle Ages, The Imitation of Christ has been revered for nearly six centuries as a spiritual classic.


Imitation of Mary

Thomas a Kempis

Readers of The Imitation of Christ have sometimes asked why Thomas a Kempis does not once mention the Blessed Virgin in his magnificent work.


Imitation of Mary

Quan Tran

How to Grow in Virtue and Merit God's Grace


Inside the Light

Sr Angela de Fatima Coelho

Understanding the Message of Fatima


Inspiration from the Saints

Maolsheachlann O Ceallaigh

Stories from the Lives of Catholic Holy Men and Women


Joan of Arc

Mark Twain

Very few people know that Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens) wrote a major work on Joan of Arc.


John Henry Newman: A Biography

Ian Ker

This full-length life of John Henry Newman is the first comprehensive biography of both the man and the thinker and writer.


Lay Saints: Ascetics & Penitents

Joan Carroll Cruz

In Lay Saints: Ascetics and Penitents, Joan Carroll Cruz guides you through the lives of fifty-eight lay men and women who achieved the heights of sanctity.


Lay Saints: Martyrs

Joan Carroll Cruz

In Lay Saints: Martyrs, Joan Carroll Cruz guides you through the lives of seventy-three lay men and women who achieved the heights of sanctity.


Lead Kindly Light: Essays for Fr Ian Ker

Paul Shrimpton

Seventeen distinguished scholars have contributed to this festschrift published in honour of Fr Ian Ker, the greatest living Newman scholar.


Lent and Easter Wisdom from St Therese of Lisieux

John Cleary

St.Thérèse of Lisieux, the Little Flower of Jesus, bore much suffering, from her mother's death when she was young to declining health and an untimely death during her time in t


Louis and Zelie: The Holy Parents of St Therese

Ginamarie Tennant

This newest book in the very popular Vision Books series of saint's lives for young people presents the inspiring story of the first married couple ever canonized together in th


Marian Apparitions, the Bible, and the Modern World

Donal Foley

This groundbreaking book looks at the major approved Marian apparitions of the last five centuries and relates them to important historical moments: the Reformation, the French


Marian Veneration: Firm Foundations

Francis Cardinal Arinze

The Blessed Virgin Mary is venerated by many followers of Jesus Christ as an important part of their practice of the faith.


Mary in Early Christian Faith and Devotion

Stephen Shoemaker

For the first time a noted historian of Christianity explores the full story of the emergence and development of the Marian cult in the early Christian centuries.


Mary in Our Life

William Most

For the first time in the history of Marian writing, here is a book that co-ordinates and integrates the dogmatic truths underlying devotion to Mary with a solid, unsentimental,


Mary of Nazareth: History, Archaeology, Legends

Michael Hesemann

This is the first archaeological and historical biography of the most fascinating and revered woman in history, Mary of Nazareth, the mother of Christ.


Mary the Mirror

Augustin Guillerand

This little collection of meditations in honour of the Blessed Virgin Mary was never intended as a book.


Meditations on Mary, Our Mother

John Henry Newman

Most Catholics who know anything at all about Newman are familiar with his journey from Anglicanism to Rome.


Medjugorje Complete

Donal Anthony Foley

The Definitive Account of the Visions and Visionaries


Mornings with Saint Therese

Patricia Treece

Millions love St Therese of Lisieux, not only for her wisdom, but for her unwavering passion to serve God in life and in death.


Newman and History

Edward Short

In Newman and History, Edward Short shows how important history was to all aspects of the life and work of Blessed John Henry Cardinal Newman.


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