Latin Mass Society


New online Latin and Greek courses

Online Latin Courses

Curated by working Catholic Latinists Matthew Spencer MA (Oxon.) MPhil (Cardiff) and Peter Day-Milne MA (Oxon.) MPhil (St Andrews), we are pleased to share the following details of online Latin courses:

— Study in a small and supportive group online, over 16 weeks;

— Take an innovative “study-in-your-own-time” video course.

Sixteenth Century music from France and Flanders

The LMS and its Southwell Consort are delighted to announce a new series of polyphonic Masses taking place at Corpus Christi, Maiden Lane. These Monday evening Masses will feature music by Franco-Flemish composers from the sixteenth century. From January to April the Southwell Consort, under the direction of Dominic Bevan and invited conductors, will perform a series of eight polyphonic Masses showcasing works by composers such as Lassus, Gombert, Rogier, Clemens non Papa and others. Highlights will include Lassus' Missa Bel Amfitrit on Easter Monday and de la Rue's Missa Ave Maria on the f

Bishop Schneider to celebrate a Pontifical Low Mass in Milton Keynes

On Sunday 26th November at 1.30pm, Bishop Athanasius Schneider will celebrate a Pontifical Low Mass at St Paul's Catholic School, Phoenix Drive, Leadenhall, Milton Keynes, Bucks MK6 5EN, at 1:30pm.

Later that day at 3:30pm he will give a talk on the topic 'Restoring All Things In Christ.'

We hope you will join us thee,


Requiem Mass held at Maiden Lane

A Sung Requiem Mass was held at Corpus Christi, Maiden Lane on Monday, 6th November, at 6:30pm. The Mass was offered as the annual Sung Requiem with Absolutions for the deceased members and benefactors of the Latin Mass Society. Together with the Catholic Police Guild, it was also offered for deceased Police Officers and Staff. The Guild marks its 100th anniversary this year.

Bishop Michael Campbell OSA, Westminster Cathedral 2019.

Annual Requiem Mass Cancelled

The Latin Mass Society has been informed that the Annual Requiem (sung, 1962 Missal) scheduled to take place at Westminster Cathedral on Saturday 4th November at 2:30pm will not take place.

The 1962 Missal will continue to be used in the Cathedral on First Saturdays at 4pm (Low Mass), including Saturday 4th November. A Sung Requiem Mass for deceased members and benefactors of the society will take place at Corpus Christi, Maiden Lane on the following Monday, 6th November, at 6:30pm, accompanied by the Southwell Consort.

Mr John Smeaton - addressing the LMS AGM 2023

LMS AGM Talks - John Smeaton

The first of our AGM talks from last Saturday is now available online.

John Smeaton, former Chief Executive of the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children, spoke to us on his personal experience of "Discovering" or rather "Rediscovering" the Latin Mass!

Available on youtube and as a podcast

Dr Joseph Shaw's address will be available mid-week.

Composer William Byrd (1543-1623)

Byrd 400 Festival

2023 witnessed the four hundredth anniversary of the death of William Byrd, one of England’s greatest Renaissance composers.  The Latin Mass Society will held a Byrd 400 Festival of sacred music to mark the occasion.  From September to December the Southwell Consort  under the direction of Dominic Bevan performed music from Byrd’s Masses, Cantiones Sacrae, and religious motets, as well as his organ music.

image showing unclear Latin text

Latin & the Divine Office, with Rubrics for Holy Mass (1962 version)

Next course starts 15 July 2023

Other courses are available for laypersons. Please visit online latin for more information

A 24-week course for priests, and seminarians, with generous bursaries available. (A shorter 12-week option is also available.)

Peter Day-Milne MA (Oxon) and Matthew Spencer (MA Oxon) are continuing to offer two 12-week modules — one on Rubrics, one on the older versions of the Divine Office.

These courses have been positively received, as one Ordinariate priest writes:

LMS Pilgrimage to Walsingham 2023

This year's walking pilgrimage to Walsingham will gather on the afternoon of Thursday 24th August, with walking on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. There will be an extra Mass on Monday 28th in the Slipper Chapel at the Catholic Shrine for those who stay the night locally. Bishop Peter Collins East Anglia has given permission for us to have the Traditional Mass.

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Latin Mass Society, 9 Mallow Street, London EC1Y 8RQ | 020 7404 7284 | [email protected]
