Latin-English Requiem Mass Booklet (1962)
Requiem Mass according to the 1962 Roman Missal - This booklet is intended to supplement the Latin Mass Society’s The Ordinary Prayers According to the 1962 Missal, by presenting in an easy-to-follow format the Ordinary and Proper texts of Masses for the Dead.
The Mass for the Dead is encountered not only in the context of funerals, but also in the Masses of All Souls Day, Remembrance Sunday (in the United Kingdom), in special Masses for the Anniversaries of death, and in the Daily Mass for the Dead.
They have in common not only the Mass ‘Ordinary’, but also those propers which are sung by the choir at Sung Masses: Introit, Gradual, Tract, Sequence, Offertory and Communion Antiphon. They differ in their Lections and Orations (Epistle, Gospel, Collect, Secret, and Postcommunion). We have therefore presented what is common to all the Masses for the Dead, and then what is particular to each one.
The Daily Mass for the Dead provides Orations for many categories of deceased person, and we have included five out of the seventeen found in the Missal.
In addition this booklet includes the ceremonies which precede and follow the funeral Mass. Among these are the Absolutions at the Catafalque, which can also be used in the absence of the body.
It also includes the Chants sung by the people when Masses of the Dead are celebrated with Chant, and while the liturgical texts contain many prayers suitable for private use, we have included some more from other sources.
This booklet strives to be in conformity with the Missale Romanum and the Rituale Romanum in relation to the rules in force in 1962. The English translation, is the Latin Mass Society’s; the translations of the Lections are taken from the Revised Standard Version.
This booklet should not be regarded as a definite guide to the rubrics, or as deprecating legitimate local practices. This is particularly so in the postures of the Faithful during Mass, for which no binding rules exist.
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Fidélium ánimæ, per misericórdiam Dei, requiéscant in pace. Amen.