Latin Mass Society


A Sense of the Sacred

James Monti

This incomparable volume presents a comprehensive exploration and explanation of medieval liturgical celebrations.


Beginner's Guide to the Traditional Latin Mass

Derya Little

As the celebration of the classical Roman rite of Mass becomes increasingly common, this Beginner’s Guide to the Traditional Latin Mass fills a real need.


Beginner’s Book of Chant

Benedictine Monk


A Simple Guide for Parishes, Schools and Communities by A Benedictine Monk.


Candles in the Roman Rite

Edwin Ryan

In the Catholic Faith, candles not only represent the True Light Which enlightens every man who comes into the world, but much more besides!

Ceremonies of the Roman Rite Described

Adrian Fortescue, J.B. O`Connell, Alcuin Reid

'This book, a classic guide to the celebration of the Church's ancient Gregorian Rite in the English-speaking world, will serve priests and seminarians of the twenty-first centu


Christ in His Mysteries

Blessed Columba Marmion

Dom Columba Marmion's classic work Christ the Life of the Soul aims at showing forth "the fundamental character of the Christian life, according to the Gospel, the Epistles of S


Christ the Vision

Augustin Guillerand

Like all this contemplative's writings, the collection of meditations gathered here was never intended as a book.


Church Vestments: Their Origin and Development

Herbert Norris

Church Vestments: Their Origin and Development represents the most comprehensive and meticulously researched study of the development of Christian ecclesiastical garments.


Close the Workshop

Peter Kwasniewski

The Mass of Paul VI is so deeply flawed that it cannot be repaired from within, while the Roman Mass fulfils the highest act of religion in a fitting manner perfected over many


Cranmer's Godly Order

Michael Davies

Cranmer's Godly Order is a classic work that Michael Davies revised and expanded in his final years.


Devotional Journey Into the Easter Mystery

Christopher Carstens

A Devotional Journey into the Easter Mystery sweeps readers through the various liturgical celebrations of Lent, the Paschal Triduum, and the Easter Season, unveiling t


Divine Intimacy

Father Gabriel of St Mary Magdalen

This Book of Meditations is a classic and is seeped in Carmelite spirituality.


Dynamics of the Liturgy

D Vincent Twomey

Joseph Ratzinger's Theology of Liturgy


Eleven Surveys for the History


How is one to measure how attached practising Catholics are to the Church's traditional liturgy?


Extraordinary Form of the Mass


The Order of Mass (1962 Missal) with Latin and English on facing pages.
Highly practical, this edition features:
• Texts for Low and High Masses


Faith of Our Fathers

Stuart Cheesman, Peter Kwasniewski

A Brief History of Catholic Traditionalism in the United States, from Triumph to Traditionis Custodes


Feasts of Our Lady

Arthur Tonne

Talks on Fifty Feasts of Mary Throughout the Year with Two Talks for Mother's Day


Festa Paschalia

Philip J. Goddard

This book provides the first comprehensive history in English for eighty years of the origins and development of the Holy Week liturgy in the Roman Rite.


Festivals of Faith: Sermons for the Liturgical Year

St John Henry Newman

John Henry Newman “alone could be considered a Doctor of the Church of the Modern Era,” Erich Przywara wrote in 1955 when Newman’s cause for canonization was first opened.


Fundamentals of Gregorian Chant

Dominic Keller

This handy 80-page book, based on the classic Solesmes method, begins with general definitions and proceeds through such topics as notes and their names, the clef and the guide,


Guide for Altar and Sanctuary


Compiled under the direction of Cardinal Vaughan [Formerly entitled: Directions for the Use of Altar Societies and Architects]​


Heresy of Formlessness

Martin Mosebach

The Roman Liturgy and Its Enemy (Revised and Expanded Edition)


How to Attend the Extraordinary Form

Joseph Shaw

Experiencing the Extraordinary Form can raise a lot of questions. Why does the priest have his back to the congregation? Why is everything in Latin?


How to Celebrate Advent: Pack of 10 leaflets

Amy Welborn

The mental checklist of things to do between Thanksgiving and Christmas can be overwhelming: shopping, planning, decorating, baking, cooking, hosting, traveling, etc.


How to Get More out of Holy Communion

St. Peter Julian Eymard

If going to Mass and taking Communion has become just another routine for you, don't assume that indifference is an ordinary part of growing mature in the Faith.


In Defense of Latin in the Mass

Pope Benedict XIV

For centuries, the use of Latin in the liturgy has been under attack.


In Search of the Sacred Image

Aidan Nichols

What sacred images should surround the faithful at worship and be available to them for instruction, in meditation and in prayer? 


Iota Unum

Romano Amerio

A Study of the Changes in the Catholic Church in the 20th Century.


Latin Mass Society Ordo 2024-25


Ordo for the Liturgical Year 2024-25 for use with the Roman Missal of 1962 and Breviary of 1961 for England and Wales.


Latin-English Requiem Mass Booklet (1962)

Joseph Shaw

Requiem Mass according to the 1962 Roman Missal - This booklet is intended to supplement the Latin Mass Society’s The Ordinary Prayers According to the 1962


Laundering Liturgical Linen

SSPX Brother

Twelve-page pamphlet loaded with everything you need to know to care for liturgical linens.


Liber Brevior


This book is essentially the exact same as the Liber Usualis (used by priests, monks, sisters and seminarians) except that it had been shortened from around two thousan


Liber Usualis


The Liber Usualis, ("The Book of Common Use") is a practical combination of the various official liturgical-musical books of the Roman Rite(e.g., Kyriale, Graduale Romanum, Cant


Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary


This is the first ever edition that includes the complete Gregorian Chant for the Little Office – in traditional four stave notation!


Mass Explained to Children

Maria Montessori

The Mass Explained to Children presents the beauty, depth, and simplicity of the Traditional Latin Mass, helping to make it easily understandable for any and every child.


Missal for Young Catholics

Peter Kwasniewski

This booklet is a Missal for the traditional Latin Mass (also known as the Extraordinary Form or the Tridentine Mass), intended for young Catholics who are ready for something m


My Book of the Church's Year

Enid Chadwick

This gem of a book is best described in the words of Peter Kwasniewski, who has written the Foreword for our newly reprinted edition:“Quite simply, it’s the loveliest, most char


New to the Old Mass? A5 card


This laminated card provides clear and brief notes on when to stand or kneel and make responses for Low Mass.. It also includes Prayers after Low Mass.


On Love

Joseph Ratzinger Benedict XVI

In these homilies, most of which are previously unpublished, Joseph Ratzinger, now Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, addresses the theme he has celebrated, pondered, and witnessed by


On The Holy Mass

Dom Prosper Gueranger

Gueranger loved, lived, and breathed the Roman Liturgy.


Once and Future Roman Rite

Peter Kwasniewski

Returning to the Traditional Latin Liturgy After Seventy Years of Exile

Organic Development of the Liturgy

Alcuin Reid

The Principles of Liturgical Reform and Their Relation to the Twentieth-Century Liturgical Movement Prior to the Second Vatican Council


Parish Ritual


A travel-size Ritual for the administration of the most important and most frequently used ceremonies, devotions and sacraments in the traditional rite, designed to aid Priests


Plain Man's Guide to the Traditional Roman Rite

Philip Goddard

Latin scholar Philip Goddard has performed a great service for all who love the Traditional Roman Rite of Mass with this popular but scholarly introduction to the language and p

Pope John's Council

Michael Davies

For those familiar with it, Pope John’s Council is already considered a classic. Few books rival its clarity and objectivity.


Pope Paul's New Mass

Michael Davies

Pope Paul's New Mass is the third and final volume of Michael Davies's Liturgical Revolution trilogy, offering an unmatched history of how the New Mass was developed, implemente


Prayers After Low Mass: A5 card


This laminated card contains the full Leonine Prayers after Low Mass in Latin and English. They are presented in Latin on one side and in English on the reverse.


Requiem Latin-English Booklet Missal


Contains the full text of the Burial Mass, Absolution and Burial Service, prayers after Mass and for the souls in Purgatory.

Roman Ritual Volume I: Sacraments

Philip T. Weller

This is the traditional (pre-Vatican II) Roman Ritual (Rituale Romanum). The great advantage is that this edition is printed in Latin and English, side-by-side.


Roman Ritual Volume II: Burial

Philip T. Weller

This is the traditional (pre-Vatican II) Roman Ritual (Rituale Romanum). The great advantage is that this edition is printed in Latin and English, side-by-side.


Sacred and Great

Joseph Shaw

For Catholics used to the newer form of the Mass or Novus Ordo, experiencing the older form raises a lot of questions. Why has the priest got his back to me?


Sagrado y Grande

Joseph Shaw

Para los católicos acostumbrados a la nueva forma de la Misa, o Novus Ordo, vivir la experiencia de la forma antigua plantea una serie de preguntas: ¿Por qué el sacerdote me da


Saints Who Pray with Us in the Mass

Amleto Cicognani

During the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, 46 Saints are mentioned in the Ordinary and Canon, from familiar ones as the Blessed Virgin Mary to obscure ones like Cosmas and Damian, t


Serving Traditional Low Mass: A4 card


Server’s Card for Low Mass.

This laminated card gives full rubrics and complete Latin text of the server’s responses when serving Low Mass.


Simplicissimus 3rd Edition 2018

Carol Byrne, Joseph Shaw

An entirely new approach to learning the Latin of the Traditional Roman Missal


Spirit of the Liturgy - Commemorative Edition

Joseph Ratzinger

In honour of its fortieth anniversary (1978–2018), Ignatius Press presents a special Commemorative Edition of one of the most important works written by Joseph Ratzinger, Th


Strangers and Nomads

Dudley Plunkett

Catholic Martyrs of England and Wales


Talks on the Mass

Arthur Tonne

"'I wish I knew more about the Mass.' Talks on the Mass attempts to satisfy that frequently and fervently expressed desire."


Talks on the Sacramentals

Arthur Tonne

This 1950 book of Fr. Arthur Tonne is a goldmine of information about the sacramentals of the Roman Catholic Church.


The Book of Ceremonies

Laurence J. O'Connell

“Parish priests want a manual which, in giving them succinctly the plan of the Ceremonies, includes an easy exposition of fundamental principles.


The Liturgical Altar

Geoffrey Webb

"For very many, this book of Mr Geoffrey Webb will be a Godsend."  So penned Fr Bede Jarrett, O.P., in the foreword of this invaluable title.


The Liturgical Movement

Fr. Didier Bonneterre

The Liturgical Movement is a concise, engaging read that delves into the history and transformations of the liturgical movement of the 20th century. This book explores:


The New Roman Missal (1945)

Father Lasance

A beautifully produced hand missal, cased in blak leather with gilt edges and six ribbon markers.  Latin/English text.  The missal was published under the editorship of Rev.


The Sacred Liturgy as a Secret Garden

Armand de Malleray FSSP

The well-known cildren's story 'The Secret Graden' lends itself to a religious and modern interpretation.


The Traditional Mass

Michael Fiedrowicz

History, Form, and Theology of the Classical Roman Rite


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