Latin Mass Society


A selection of prayer books and books about prayer and devotions.

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Novenas for the Church Year

Peter John Cameron

Enter into one of the treasured spiritual practices of the Church!


7 Gifts of the Holy Spirit

Richard Conrad

An introduction to living with the Holy Spirit and the gifts it brings.


A Simple Prayer Book


A reprint of the classic Simple Prayer Book, reproduced from the CTS 1957 edition.

This staple of Catholic devotion contains:


Annunciation: A Call to Faith in a Broken World

Sally Read

Sally Read converted from atheism to Catholicism when her daughter Flo was only four, yet from the beginning Flo accompanied her closely--sharing her excitement, discoveries and


Blessed Be God (Sunday Missal & Prayer Book)

Very Rev. Charles J. Callan & Very Rev. John A. McHugh

A combined Sunday Missal and prayer book offering a complete resource that encompasses traditional prayers and liturgical content.


Called Into Light

Stafford Whiteaker

Meditations with Bishop Richard Challoner for the Christian Year


Cardinal Basil Hume

Gertrude Feick

A Pilgrim’s Search for God


Carmelite Spirituality

Anders Arborelius

A Theological Consideration of Jesus Christ


Champions of the Rosary

Donald Calloway

The History and Heroes of a Spiritual Weapon


Children's Missal

Fr Hoever

Help your child connect with the mystery of the Mass and feel like an official Mass-goer with this smart-looking, insightful missal.


Christian Meditation

Hans Urs Von Balthasar

While von Balthasar's classic Prayer is unparalleled in its development of the Trinitarian, Christological, Mariological and ecclesiological dimensions of prayer, Christian Medi


Comfort in Sorrow

John Henry Newman

Words of Consolation from John Henry Newman




Miserere mihi, Domine, et exaudi orationem meam.


Contemplative Enigmas

Donald Haggerty

Insights and Aid on the Path to Deeper Prayer


Devotion to the Holy Spirit


Explains the classic seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit and how to obtain them.


Devotion to the Precious Blood


This small but powerful book gives a whole new appreciation for the Precious Blood of Christ. Readers will see why the Precious Blood is a treasure of infinite value.


Devotion to the Sacred Heart

Mary Frances Lester

Devotion to the Sacred Heart is a powerful little booklet filled with many of the treasures to be found in the veneration of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.


Devotion to the Sorrowful Mother


Many Catholics are unaware of our holy traditions on and powerful devotions to the Sorrows of Mary.


Divine Intimacy

Father Gabriel of St Mary Magdalen

This Book of Meditations is a classic and is seeped in Carmelite spirituality.


Escape from Evil's Darkness

Robert Spitzer

The Light of Christ in the Church, Spiritual Conversion, and Moral Conversion


Every Day with Mary

Mary Amore

Reflections by the Affiliates of Mayslake Ministries

Growing closer to the Blessed Virgin Mary can have a profound impact on your spiritual life.


Every Day with Saint Joseph

Mary Amore

As Guardian of the Holy Family and Patron of the Universal Church, Saint Joseph is a model and friend for all of us.


Every Step with Jesus

John Collins

Following the Saints in the Way of the Cross


Feasts of Our Lady

Arthur Tonne

Talks on Fifty Feasts of Mary Throughout the Year with Two Talks for Mother's Day


Handy Little Guide to Prayer

Barb Szyszkiewicz

God knows what's on our minds and in our hearts, but we still need to verbalize our innermost thoughts, feelings, and intentions. That's prayer.


Heart to Heart: A Cardinal Newman Prayerbook

John Henry Newman

Heart to Heart: A Cardinal Newman Prayer Book is a comprehensive gathering of the luminous prayers of Bld John Henry Newman.


How to Raise Good Catholic Children

Mary Reed Newland

First published fifty years ago, How to Raise Good Catholic Children is a rare treat for today's parents: a wise and readable book on child care that derives its wisdom


How-To Book of Catholic Devotions

Mike Aquilina

Second Edition

From the Angelus to First Fridays, vigil candles to novenas, Catholic practice of time-honored Church traditions can be confusing.


Imitation of Christ

Thomas a Kempis, Ronald Knox

The spiritual classic by a Kempis, the second most widely read spiritual book after the Bible, has had an astonishing impact on the spiritual lives of countless saints, peasants


Imitation of Christ: Illustrated edition

Thomas a Kempis

Written by Thomas a Kempis in the Middle Ages, The Imitation of Christ has been revered for nearly six centuries as a spiritual classic.


Imitation of Mary

Thomas a Kempis

Readers of The Imitation of Christ have sometimes asked why Thomas a Kempis does not once mention the Blessed Virgin in his magnificent work.


Imitation of Mary

Quan Tran

How to Grow in Virtue and Merit God's Grace


Lenten Prayers For Busy People

William O'Malley

Drawing from the Bible, literature, lyrics, and original prayers, William O'Malley has composed a six-week cycle of morning, midday, and evening prayers and meditations.


Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary


This is the first ever edition that includes the complete Gregorian Chant for the Little Office – in traditional four stave notation!


Living the Little Office

Marianna Gildea

The Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary is one of the liturgical treasures of the Catholic Church.


Marking the Hours

Eamon Duffy

English People and Their Prayers, 1240-1570


Mornings with Saint Therese

Patricia Treece

Millions love St Therese of Lisieux, not only for her wisdom, but for her unwavering passion to serve God in life and in death.


My Daily Bread

Anthony J. Paone

A summary of spiritual doctrine so simple that everyone can come to a knowledge and practice of the principles of the spiritual life.


Novena to the Holy Spirit

Philip Bochanski

Nine days of prayer and reflection on the Holy Spirit and its gifts.


Our Father

Claire Waddelove

A Biblical Meditation on the Lord's Prayer


Prayers, Verses, and Devotions

John Henry Newman

A beautifully printed, Bible paper volume of Newman's most profound devotional writings.


Rosary of Our Lady of Sorrows

Anthony Jeremy

The Devotion of the Seven Sorrows in a beautiful full colour presentation, illustrated by the sequence of stained glass windows in the chapel at Nazareth House, Cardiff.


Rule of Saint Benedict

Esther de Waal and Abbot Parry

Written some fifteen centuries ago, The Rule of St Benedict is still read and studied by thousands of men and women throughout the world.


Rule of St Benedict

Cardinal Gasquet

The "Rule" of St. Benedict was written in the sixth century by the father of monastic life, St. Benedict himself. It towers in the great tradition of Christian Monasticism.



Dawn Beutner

Becoming an Image of Christ Every Day of the Year


Saints Who Pray with Us in the Mass

Amleto Cicognani

During the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, 46 Saints are mentioned in the Ordinary and Canon, from familiar ones as the Blessed Virgin Mary to obscure ones like Cosmas and Damian, t


Searching for God

Basil Hume

A classic work from a great spiritual leader.  Cardinal Basil Hume’s down-to-earth approach to the spiritual life and wisdom gained from guiding generations of novices into deep


Secret of the Rosary

Louis De Monfort

In this book St Louis De Monfort explains the rosary and its power in short sections called Roses, each being about one or two pages long.  Each Rose discusses a separate aspect


Shrines of Our Lady in England

Anne Vail

There are more than sixty shrines in honour of Our Lady in England.  Most were founded in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, and from the start they were noted places of p


St Benedict's Rule

Patrick Bary

A New Translation for Today


St Michael the Archangel


The St Michael Prayer is once again being prayed daily for the intention of Religious Liberty in America!


Stations of the Cross

John Henry Newman

Among the various texts that have been used for the Stations of the Cross, John Henry Newman’s words stand out as one of the most enduing.  The depth of his penetration of the r


Stations of the Cross Booklet


Keep this handy-sized booklet in your pocket or handbag throughout Lent so that you can pray the Stations of the Cross. The booklet comes with a protective plastic cover.


Staying Tender

Luke Bell

Contemplation, pathway to compassion


Story of the Rosary

Anne Vail

The Rosary is one of the most popular of all Christian forms of prayer, but few of us pause to reflect on its origins and extraordinary history in the Church.


Tears of Christ

John Henry Newman

''Jesus wept, not merely from the deep thoughts of his understanding but from spontaneous tenderness, from the goodness and mercy, the encompassing loving-kindness and exuberant


The City of God

Hans Urs von Balthasar

Selections and Introduction by Hans Urs von Balthasar


The College Graces of Oxford and Cambridge

Compiled by Reginald Adams

Almost without exception the colleges of Oxford and Cambridge, even those of recent foundation, still use Latin graces before and after meals.


The Great Prayer

Hugh Ross Williamson

At a time when there is renewed interest in the Extraordinary Rite, Hugh Ross Williamson's classic exposition of the Roman Canon provides a superb commentary to provide priest a


The Liturgical Rosary (2nd Edition)

Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Meditations for each hour, day, and season of the liturgical year. Compiled by the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

The Raccolta


This official collection (raccolta) of the Church's prayers and devotions was published in English in 1957.


The Secret of the Rosary

Louis de Montfort

Probably the finest book ever written about the Rosary; appeals to all ages. Shows the great spiritual power of the Rosary, which is appreciated by few.


The Voice of the Church at Prayer

Uwe Michael Lang

Pope Benedict XVI has made the liturgy a central theme of his pontificate, and he has paid special attention to the vitally important role of language in prayer.


The Way of the Cross

St Alphonsus Liguori

Easily the most popular and best-loved Way of the Cross ever. Traditional, edifying pictures.


The Word Is Very Near You

Wilfrid Stinissen

The acclaimed spiritual writer Fr Stinissen says that all Christian literature and preaching are nothing more than an attempt to explain and interpret what God himself has spoke


Transformed By Light

Joanna Bogle

The Story of London’s Rosary Shrine Garden




Vespers, the traditional evening prayer of the Church, has spiritually sustained the faithful for nearly two millennia.


Walsingham Prayer Book

Philippe Lefebvre, Lawrence Lew

In 1061 in the small Norfolk village of Walsingham, the Saxon Lady of the Manor, Richeldis, received an instruction from the Virigin Mary to build a copy of the Holy House of Na


Way of Ignatius

Gemma Simmonds

A Prayer Journey through Lent

Isn't a deep prayer life only for religious specialists?


Way of the Cross

Georg Ganswein

Countless holy men and women have obtained great benefit from accompanying Our Lord on his Way to Calvary, including the Foundress of EWTN Global Catholic Network, Mother Angeli


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