Latin Mass Society


Christmas Holiday

The Latin Mass Society's Office will close on Friday 20th December 2019 for the Christmas holiday, it will re-open on Thursday 2nd January 2020.

For those who live in London, there will be a High Mass in St Mary Moorfields Church on Christmas Eve at 6pm, see here. For details of Masses in other parts of the country, see here.

LMS Requiem and Confirmations

Bishop Michael Campbell OSA, Bishop Emeritus of Lancaster, celebrated a Pontifical Requiem for departed members of the LMS in Westminster Cathedral on All Souls Day. Fr Michael Cullinan was the Deacon and Fr John Scott was the Subdeacon. Canon Scott Smith ICKSP was the Assistant Priest. Canon Vianney Poucin de Wouilt ICKSP and Mr Richard Pickett were the MCs. Before the Mass, a wreath was laid on the tomb of Cardinal Heenan in thanksgiving for the part he played in preserving the Traditional Mass in England and Wales.

Ordo 2020 and Wall Calendar

The 2020 edition of our Ordo is now available. This day-to-day liturgical calendar for the Missal of 1962 for England and Wales contains liturgical details of every Mass for every day of the year. It is the indispensable guide for priests, servers and laity.

All Saints and All Souls

Friday is All Saints Day, a Holy Day of Obligation, when all Catholics should go to Mass. There are many Masses taking place around the country - High, Sung and Low. Saturday is All Souls Day, although not a Day of Obligation, all Catholics should want to go to Mass to pray for their departed friends and loved ones. Again, there are many Masses taking place around the country, including the LMS's Annual Requiem Mass, celebrated by Bishop Michael Campbell OSA at the High Altar of Westminster Cathedral at 2.30pm.

St Wulstan's, Little Malvern

We are delighted to announce that, for the first time in more than 50 years, there will be a Solemn High Mass in St Wulstan's, Wells Road, Little Malvern WR14 4JL on Sunday, 27th October (Our Lord Jesus Christ, Universal King) at 3.15pm.

The celebrant will be Fr George Grynowski of the Archdiocese of Birmingham, assisted by Canon Scott Smith ICKSP and Fr Anselm Gribbin from St Winefride’s, Shrewsbury. The Mass will be sung, as usual, by Schola Gregoriana Malverniensis.

All welcome!

LMS Christmas Cards

We have  launched our range of Christmas cards for 2019. There are five new designs, featuring paintings by Botticelli, Giotto, Petrus Christus and Juan Baustista Maino, which complement designs still available from previous years. See HERE for details.

Each card contains a Scripture text (in Latin) and greeting. The cards are available in packs of 10 of the same design and are supplied with envelopes.

Torchlit Procession

There will be a torchlit procession of the statue of Our Lady of Willesden at the Shrine of Our Lady of Willesden, Nicoll Road, London NW10 9AX on Sunday, 20th October 2019 at 7pm. Bishop John Sherrington (Auxliary Bishop in Westminster) will be in attendance and will preach. All are welcome!

Download a poster to advertise the procession HERE. You can read a history of the Shrine HERE.

Rosary Crusade of Reparation

The 35th Annual Rosary Crusade of Reparation takes place on Saturday, 12 October 2019. Fr Lawrence Lew OP will lead the rosary and preach. Participants are asked to assemble outside Westminster Cathedral by 1:45 pm to walk to the Brompton Oratory (a distance of about a mile and a half).  Upon arrival at the Oratory, at about 3:15 pm, the procession will be met by Fr Ronald Creighton-Jobe Cong.Orat. The statue of Our Lady of Fatima is received into the Church with devotions, prayers and hymns, Solemn Benediction and the final hymn "Faith of Our Fathers" conclude the day.

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Latin Mass Society, 9 Mallow Street, London EC1Y 8RQ | 020 7404 7284 | [email protected]