
7 Gifts of the Holy Spirit
An introduction to living with the Holy Spirit and the gifts it brings.
A Sense of the Sacred
This incomparable volume presents a comprehensive exploration and explanation of medieval liturgical celebrations.
A Short History of the Roman Mass
This book is a short introduction to the development of the Roman Rite of Mass, the most widely used of the Church’s liturgical rites, from its origins in early Christianity unt
A Simple Prayer Book
A reprint of the classic Simple Prayer Book, reproduced from the CTS 1957 edition.
This staple of Catholic devotion contains:
Archbishop Sheen's Book of Sacraments
His cause for canonization is progressing, and his videos and books are widely viewed and in persistent demand.
This booklet explains the Church's teaching about Baptism, and contains the entire Rite of Baptism for infants and adults. Chapters include:
Beginner's Guide to the Traditional Latin Mass
As the celebration of the classical Roman rite of Mass becomes increasingly common, this Beginner’s Guide to the Traditional Latin Mass fills a real need.
Children's Missal
Help your child connect with the mystery of the Mass and feel like an official Mass-goer with this smart-looking, insightful missal.
Deepen your love and appreciation for this beautiful sacrament with this booklet on Confession!
Corpus Christi
Bishop Athanasius Schneider has published his second book on Eucharistic devotion in the hopes that it will foster greater reverence for the sacrament amongst the faithful.
Dominus Est - It is the Lord!
Dominus Est is a plea of Bishop Athanasius Schneider for the worthy administration of Holy Communion.
Eucharistic Miracles: And Eucharistic Phenomenon in the Lives of the Saints
The story of 36 major Eucharistic Miracles from Lanciano, Italy in 800 to Stich, Bavaria in 1970. Details the official investigations.
How to Attend the Extraordinary Form
Experiencing the Extraordinary Form can raise a lot of questions. Why does the priest have his back to the congregation? Why is everything in Latin?
Latin-English Mass Booklet - Ordinary Prayers (1962)
Ordinary Prayers of the 1962 Roman Missal - We are delighted to announce the publication of the second edition of our Ordinary Prayers booklet.
Learning the Mass: A Manual for Priests & Seminarians
First published in 1960, this instructive book by rubrician Fr. Walter J.
Marriage: The Mystery of Faithful Love
How to have a stronger, happier marriage. These pages will give you what you need to make your marriage a source of profound happiness and lasting peace.
Mass Explained to Children
The Mass Explained to Children presents the beauty, depth, and simplicity of the Traditional Latin Mass, helping to make it easily understandable for any and every child.
My Confession for Little Catholics
An invaluable resource for helping little Catholics understand God's personal love for them. It explains in terms children can understand: what sin is and how we must avoid it.
Nuptial Latin-English Booklet Missal (White)
Contains the full text of the Marriage Service, the Nuptial Mass, the Nuptial Blessing, the Last Blessing, a Husband's Prayer and a Wife's Prayer.
Parish Ritual
A travel-size Ritual for the administration of the most important and most frequently used ceremonies, devotions and sacraments in the traditional rite, designed to aid Priests
Plain Man's Guide to the Traditional Roman Rite
Latin scholar Philip Goddard has performed a great service for all who love the Traditional Roman Rite of Mass with this popular but scholarly introduction to the language and p
Prayers Before the Eucharist
When thinking of Saint John Henry Newman, many associations come to mind: scholar, writer, intellectual. But rarely do we associate “mystic” with this new saint.
Preparation for Confirmation
An excellent way to prepare for, appreciate, and follow the rite of the Sacrament of Confirmation.
Divided into three sections:
Proper of Feasts Celebrated in the Dioceses of England & Wales
The texts and music contained in this book are set out for the convenience of singers accompanying celebrations, in the Extraordinary Form, of feast days peculiar to England and
Reclaiming Our Roman Catholic Birthright
The Genius and Timeliness of the Traditional Latin Mass
Ritus Servandus
Ritus Servandus; Rites to be Observed in the Celebration of the Mass, covers everything from Low Mass to Mass in the Presence of the Supreme Pontiff.
Splendor of Marriage
St John Paul II's Vision of Love, Marriage, Family, and the Culture of Life
Talks on the Sacramentals
This 1950 book of Fr. Arthur Tonne is a goldmine of information about the sacramentals of the Roman Catholic Church.
The Blessed Eucharist: Our Greatest Treasure
In "The Blessed Eucharist," Father Michael Mueller describes how Christ's love for us moved Him to create this most beautiful Sacrament.
The Great Prayer
At a time when there is renewed interest in the Extraordinary Rite, Hugh Ross Williamson's classic exposition of the Roman Canon provides a superb commentary to provide priest a
The Hidden Treasure: Holy Mass
This book describes the great spiritual power of the Mass, how it holds back the wrath of God, its wonderful eternal and temporal benefits and several excellent ways to pray at
The Holy Eucharist: Our All
An invitation to all to develop an ever deepening love for Jesus truly present in the Blessed Sacrament. Fr.
The Holy Eucharist: The World's Salvation
This book, originally published in French, and now in English with a new foreword by Dom Alcuin Reid OSB, is a splendid example ante litteram of the task of the Hermene
The Incredible Catholic Mass: An Explanation of the Mass
An absolute revelation to most Catholics! Based on the Traditional Latin Mass, but actually about the essence of the Mass itself.
The Latin Mass Explained
'To Catholics familiar with the Traditional Latin Mass, nothing is more sacred than the Mass. To a person not familiar with the Latin Mass, nothing is more mystifying.
The Mass: A Study of the Roman Liturgy
First published in 1912, Fr Fortescue’s liturgical-archeological classic, The Mass: A Study of the Roman Liturgy, remains one of the most erudite works ever written in English o
The Sources of Catholic Dogma
From the Thirtieth Edition of Henry Denzinger's Enchiridion Symbolorum. Translated into English by Roy J. Deferrari.
The Wonders of the Mass
The Mass is the greatest wonder in the world," seconded only by "the next greatest wonder. .
Vesting Prayers
This A4, laminated card contains the Latin prayers, with English rubrics and translations, as said by a priest whilst vesting.
Why Do We Have to Go to Mass?: Pack of 10 leaflets
It's a question every parent hears eventually. And in a busy, distracted world, it's a question many Catholics sometimes ask themselves: Why do we "have to" go to Mass?
Why go to Confession?
The purpose of this booklet is to help those who make use of the sacrament to appreciate it more, and to encourage those who do not, to reconsider its many benefits.