Latin Mass Society


A Short History of the Roman Mass

Uwe Michael Lang

This book is a short introduction to the development of the Roman Rite of Mass, the most widely used of the Church’s liturgical rites, from its origins in early Christianity unt


Altar Cards (A3)


Latin editio typica 1962 altar cards unframed. Printed on stiff card.


Altar Cards (Backed)


Latin editio typica 1962 altar cards unframed. Printed on stiff card and can be framed. Dimensions of central card: 16.5"/42cm x 12"/30cm.


Altar Cards (Backed)


Latin editio typica 1962 altar cards unframed. Printed on stiff card and can be framed. Dimensions of central card: 16.5"/42cm x 12"/30cm.


Altar Cards (Backed)


Latin editio typica 1962 altar cards unframed. Printed on stiff card and can be framed. Dimensions of central card: 16.5"/42cm x 12"/30cm.


Altar Cards (Backed)


Latin editio typica 1962 altar cards unframed. Printed on stiff card and can be framed. Dimensions of central card: 16.5"/42cm x 12"/30cm.


Baronius Daily Missal 1962


A daily missal (according to the typical edition of 1962) that provides everything you need for the Traditional Latin Mass in the Extraordinary Form, plus many other prayers and


Beginner's Guide to the Traditional Latin Mass

Derya Little

As the celebration of the classical Roman rite of Mass becomes increasingly common, this Beginner’s Guide to the Traditional Latin Mass fills a real need.


Bread That Is Broken

Wilfrid Stinissen

The Holy Eucharist is the Church's most precious treasure, the source and summit of her worship and life. The Church is built upon and around the Eucharist.


Canon Pontificale


The Latin Mass Society is proud to present a photographic reproduction of the 1889 edition of the Canon Missae ad usum Episcoporum ac Preletorum solemniter et private celebr

Children's Missal

Fr Hoever

Help your child connect with the mystery of the Mass and feel like an official Mass-goer with this smart-looking, insightful missal.


Corpus Christi

Athanasius Schneider

Bishop Athanasius Schneider has published his second book on Eucharistic devotion in the hopes that it will foster greater reverence for the sacrament amongst the faithful.

Dominus Est - It is the Lord!

Athanasius Schneider

Dominus Est is a plea of Bishop Athanasius Schneider for the worthy administration of Holy Communion.


Ego Eimi - It Is I

Fr Armand de Malleray

Falling in Eucharistic Love


Extraordinary Form of the Mass


The Order of Mass (1962 Missal) with Latin and English on facing pages.
Highly practical, this edition features:
• Texts for Low and High Masses


Fundamentals of Gregorian Chant

Dominic Keller

This handy 80-page book, based on the classic Solesmes method, begins with general definitions and proceeds through such topics as notes and their names, the clef and the guide,


Holy Mass: Approaches to the Mystery

A. M. Roguet, O.P.

This fine little book from 1951 studies the Mass, not from its origins or from theories about it, but from its fully-developed ritual acts.


Holy Thursday

Francois Mauriac

On the night before His death, His betrayer already at work, our Lord lifted a simple chalice in a world covered in darkness.


How to Attend the Extraordinary Form

Joseph Shaw

Experiencing the Extraordinary Form can raise a lot of questions. Why does the priest have his back to the congregation? Why is everything in Latin?


How to Get More out of Holy Communion

St. Peter Julian Eymard

If going to Mass and taking Communion has become just another routine for you, don't assume that indifference is an ordinary part of growing mature in the Faith.


In Defence of the Roman Mass

Raymond Marius Dulac

It is 1967, a mere two years after the close of Vatican II. The atmosphere in the Church is already one of anarchy. Liturgical “experimentation” is rife. Confusion reigns.


In Defense of Latin in the Mass

Pope Benedict XIV

For centuries, the use of Latin in the liturgy has been under attack.


Jesus Make Me Worthy - Black Cover

Robert Power

More than a missal, this is a prayer book designed for young Catholics with language suitable for their age.


Jesus Make Me Worthy - White Cover

Robert Power

More than a missal, this is a prayer book designed for young Catholics with language suitable for their age.


Latin-English Requiem Mass Booklet (1962)

Joseph Shaw

Requiem Mass according to the 1962 Roman Missal - This booklet is intended to supplement the Latin Mass Society’s The Ordinary Prayers According to the 1962


Liber Brevior


This book is essentially the exact same as the Liber Usualis (used by priests, monks, sisters and seminarians) except that it had been shortened from around two thousan


Marian Children's Missal

Mary Theola

If you have a child aged 4-8 and are looking for a Missal suited to their capabilities, look no further. We consider this the best missal for children in this age bracket.


Mass Explained to Children

Maria Montessori

The Mass Explained to Children presents the beauty, depth, and simplicity of the Traditional Latin Mass, helping to make it easily understandable for any and every child.


Missal for Young Catholics

Peter Kwasniewski

This booklet is a Missal for the traditional Latin Mass (also known as the Extraordinary Form or the Tridentine Mass), intended for young Catholics who are ready for something m


Missale Romanum 1962 - Mid-Size Edition


Mid-size edition of the Roman Missal from 1962  for the celebration of the Traditional Mass.  Sized between the "Travel" and "Full Size"


Mszal Rzymaki (Polish/Latin Missal)


Reprint of the Roman Missal (Daily Missal ) translated and edited by the Tyniec Benedictines, published in Poznań in 1963 with the imprimatur of Bishop Karol Wojtyła.

New to the Old Mass? A5 card


This laminated card provides clear and brief notes on when to stand or kneel and make responses for Low Mass.. It also includes Prayers after Low Mass.


Nuptial Latin-English Booklet Missal (White)


Contains the full text of the Marriage Service, the Nuptial Mass, the Nuptial Blessing, the Last Blessing, a Husband's Prayer and a Wife's Prayer.


On The Holy Mass

Dom Prosper Gueranger

Gueranger loved, lived, and breathed the Roman Liturgy.


Parish Ritual


A travel-size Ritual for the administration of the most important and most frequently used ceremonies, devotions and sacraments in the traditional rite, designed to aid Priests


Plain Man's Guide to the Traditional Roman Rite

Philip Goddard

Latin scholar Philip Goddard has performed a great service for all who love the Traditional Roman Rite of Mass with this popular but scholarly introduction to the language and p

Prayers After Low Mass: A5 card


This laminated card contains the full Leonine Prayers after Low Mass in Latin and English. They are presented in Latin on one side and in English on the reverse.


Prayers Before the Eucharist

John Henry Newman

When thinking of Saint John Henry Newman, many associations come to mind: scholar, writer, intellectual. But rarely do we associate “mystic” with this new saint.


Requiem Latin-English Booklet Missal


Contains the full text of the Burial Mass, Absolution and Burial Service, prayers after Mass and for the souls in Purgatory.

Ritus Servandus


Ritus Servandus; Rites to be Observed in the Celebration of the Mass, covers everything from Low Mass to Mass in the Presence of the Supreme Pontiff.


Sacred Triduum Missal (1962)

Angelus Press

Compiled by Angelus Press, this book has all you need for the Sacred Triduum according to the 1962 Missal.


Sacrifice of the Mass Worthily Celebrated

Pierre Chaignon

Very much has been written in more recent times about the Mass and the cooperation of the laity in it; comparatively little, however, has been written concerning the attitude of


Serving Traditional Low Mass: A4 card


Server’s Card for Low Mass.

This laminated card gives full rubrics and complete Latin text of the server’s responses when serving Low Mass.


Serving Traditional Low Mass: A5 card

Latin Mass Society

Server’s Card for Low Mass.

This laminated card gives full rubrics and complete Latin text of the server’s responses when serving Low Mass.


Talks on the Mass

Arthur Tonne

"'I wish I knew more about the Mass.' Talks on the Mass attempts to satisfy that frequently and fervently expressed desire."


The Blessed Eucharist: Our Greatest Treasure

Michael Mueller

In "The Blessed Eucharist," Father Michael Mueller describes how Christ's love for us moved Him to create this most beautiful Sacrament.


The Book of Ceremonies

Laurence J. O'Connell

“Parish priests want a manual which, in giving them succinctly the plan of the Ceremonies, includes an easy exposition of fundamental principles.


The Catholic Mass

Athanasius Schneider

Steps to Restoring God to the Center of Liturgy


The Great Betrayal

Hugh Ross Williamson

Thoughts on the Destruction of the Mass


The Great Prayer

Hugh Ross Williamson

At a time when there is renewed interest in the Extraordinary Rite, Hugh Ross Williamson's classic exposition of the Roman Canon provides a superb commentary to provide priest a


The Hidden Treasure: Holy Mass

St Leonard of Port Maurice

This book describes the great spiritual power of the Mass, how it holds back the wrath of God, its wonderful eternal and temporal benefits and several excellent ways to pray at


The Holy Eucharist: Our All

Lukas Etlin

An invitation to all to develop an ever deepening love for Jesus truly present in the Blessed Sacrament. Fr.


The Holy Eucharist: The World's Salvation

Joseph de Sainte-Marie

This book, originally published in French, and now in English with a new foreword by Dom Alcuin Reid OSB, is a splendid example ante litteram of the task of the Hermene


The Latin Mass Explained

George J. Moorman

'To Catholics familiar with the Traditional Latin Mass, nothing is more sacred than the Mass. To a person not familiar with the Latin Mass, nothing is more mystifying.


The Mass: A Study of the Roman Liturgy

Andrian Fortescue

First published in 1912, Fr Fortescue’s liturgical-archeological classic, The Mass: A Study of the Roman Liturgy, remains one of the most erudite works ever written in English o


The Order of Mass: Missal of Blessed John XXIII


This booklet, ideal for parish use, is not only a guide for those acquainting themselves with the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite (popularly known as the Tridentine Rite),


The Traditional Mass

Michael Fiedrowicz

History, Form, and Theology of the Classical Roman Rite


The Wonders of the Mass

Paul O'Sullivan

The Mass is the greatest wonder in the world," seconded only by "the next greatest wonder. .


Vesting Prayers


This A4, laminated card contains the Latin prayers, with English rubrics and translations, as said by a priest whilst vesting.


Why Do We Have to Go to Mass?: Pack of 10 leaflets

Lorene Duquin

It's a question every parent hears eventually. And in a busy, distracted world, it's a question many Catholics sometimes ask themselves: Why do we "have to" go to Mass?


Words of Life: On the Margin of the Missal

Blessed Columba Marmion

Containing reflections for each day of the liturgical year both in its temporal and sanctoral cycle, Words of Life on the Margin of the Missal is a collection of Blessed Columba


Your Mass and Your Life

Richer-Marie Beaubien

Your Mass and Your Life is a deluxe five-volume box set by Fr Beaubien brought to you by Angelus Press.


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