Latin Mass Society


Juventutem Mass in London

Mass will be celebrated by Fr Armand de Malleray FSSP on Friday 24th February at 7.30pm in St Mary Moorfields, Eldon Street, London EC2N 7LS

The Mass is open to all and will be followed by a social for young people ages 18-35.

Music by Cantus Magnus directed by Matthew Schellhorn and sponsored by the LMS:
Messa da Capella a quattro voci Monteverdi
Sicut cervus Palestrina
Sitivit anima mea Palestrina

St Augustine’s, Ramsgate

The Latin Mass Society is sponsoring the music for a Mass at the Shrine of St Augustine, Ramsgate this Friday (24th) at 7.30pm to celebrate the feast of St Ethelbert, a patron of the parish.

The music, sung by Cantabo Domino, will include Mass in A Minor by Claudio Casciolini, with other music by Victoria, Palestrina and Lassus.

To sample other music sung in Pugin's masterpiece Abbey church in Ramsgate, purchase the CD produced by the Victoria Consort.

Pilgrimage to The Holy Land

Fr Martin Edwards, Parish Priest of St Mary Magdalen’s Wandsworth, will be leading a pilgrimage to the Holy Land 10th-18th November 2017, with a daily Traditional Mass at the holy sites.

Flying from Heathrow on Friday 10th November, among the places pilgrims will visit during the eight day pilgrimage are Bethlehem, Mount of Olives, Mount Zion, Jerusalem, Qumran, Dead Sea, Galilee, Acre, Cana and Nazareth.

Unlike other pilgrimages to the Holy Land, this pilgrimage will have a Traditional Latin Mass every day. The cost is £1,369.

Spring 2017 edition of Mass of Ages

Members should be receiving their copy of the latest edition of Mass of Ages this week. Copies will be available this weekend in more than 90 cathedrals and churches around the country.

Full of interesting articles, news and details of Masses around England and Wales, it’s not to be missed. Further details can be found HERE.

LMS Pilgrimage to Walsingham

Our annual pilgrimage will take place from Thursday 24th to Sunday 27th August, the Bank Holiday weekend.

Bookings are now being accepted and we have an Early Bird Offer: book before Easter Sunday 16th April 2017 at last year's prices!

Further details can be found HERE.

FSSP Ordinations

Seth Phipps, a seminarian at Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary in Denton, Nebraska, will be one of ten men ordained to the Subdiaconate on 11th February, by Bishop Thomas Poprocki, of Springfield, Illinois; and to the Diaconate on 25th March, by Bishop Robert Morlino, of Madison, Wisconsin.

The LMS provides financial support in the form of bursaries to young men from England and Wales who offer themselves to the traditional Religious Institutes. See here for details.

Winter 2016 Dowry magazine is now available

The winter 2016 edition of Dowry, the quarterly magazine of the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter, is now available.

In this edition Fr de Malleray shows how ‘Our true motherland is heaven, so, that, the better our earthly nations prepare us for heaven, the more they deserve to be called countries.’

Seminarian Thomas O’Sullivan assesses Divine Providence in the works of J.R.R. Tolkien.

Fr de Malleray explains how the traditional Roman Missal is all about divine mercy.

Fr James Mawdsley explains why he is visiting Burma after Christmas.

Requiem for Bishop Wheeler

The annual Mass of Requiem for Bishop William Wheeler will be celebrated at St Anne's Cathedral, Great George Street, Leeds on Saturday, 19th. November at 3.00 p.m. This will be followed by absolution at the catafalque.

The celebrant will be Fr Michael Hall. This year it will be a Missa Cantata with music by Schola Gregoriana.

Confirmations in the Traditional Rite

Bishop John Sherrington, Auxiliary Bishop of Westminster, conferred the Sacrament of Confirmation in the Traditional Rite in the splendid setting of St James’, Spanish Place on Saturday. 21 people (both adults and children) received the sacrament, which was followed by Pontifical Benediction.

After the service, the bishop joined the candidates, their families and friends, in the parish centre to share in a celebratory cake.

A selection of photos can be seen here.

FSSP Advent Retreat

The Priestly Fraternity of St Peter have organised an Advent Weekend of Silent Recollection, from Friday, 9th – Sunday, 11th December 2016.

The Retreat, open to all, will be held at the Franciscan Friary & Retreat Centre, Monastery Road, Pantasaph, Holywell CH8 8PE.

Preached by Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP on the theme: God became man for our salvation, the Retreat starts with Mass in the Extraordinary Form at 4.00pm and concludes with lunch on the Sunday.

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Latin Mass Society, 9 Mallow Street, London EC1Y 8RQ | 020 7404 7284 | [email protected]
